Parents' Association

Our Term 1 Parents’ Association meeting will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 7 March 2023 in the Thomas More Exhibition Centre.


Thank you to everyone who submitted funding proposals this Term. The funding proposals listed below have been approved by the committee for funding consideration at the meeting:

  • Primary Picnic $3,000 (inc. GST): Ric del Pizzo 
  • 3D Printers D&T $5,600 (inc. GST): Nathan Munns 
  • Inspire Claire Eaton talks $3,000 (inc. GST): Jodii Giannis

The agenda is available below and will also be available on the Parents’ Association option on SEQTA: 



From Your 2023 Parents’ Association Committee:

  • President: Lisha D’Souza
  • Vice Presidents: Emma Smith & Steve Jennings
  • Secretary: Paula Hackett 
  • Treasurer: Michael Thornton
  • General Committee Members: Caroline Di Costa, Paul Douglas, Olivia Watson, Eric Maroni, Kerry Tudori, Matt Edmondson and Jackie Walsh.