From the Principal

On Tuesday 7 March, the first Parents’ Association Meeting for 2023 will be held. This is not the first parent event for the year. It is wonderful to join and celebrate the Community Mass each Friday morning and parents are always welcome to stay to share a coffee with other parents and College Staff. This morning’s Mass was particularly special. Having Years 1 to Year 12 students together in the Chapel Choir was a heart-warming experience for all present.

Chapel Choir
Chapel Choir


Other social events have included the Primary Picnic, where 633 tickets were sold and the Year 7 Parent Welcome, where 293 parents and guardians registered to attend.

With over 600 people attending, the Primary Picnic was huge!
The Year 7 Welcome - one of the biggest parent events of the six years of Secondary education
With over 600 people attending, the Primary Picnic was huge!
The Year 7 Welcome - one of the biggest parent events of the six years of Secondary education
Year 8 parents enjoying the 'meet and greet' session of the Years 8 - 12 Parent Information Night
Year 8 parents enjoying the 'meet and greet' session of the Years 8 - 12 Parent Information Night

In addition, there have been Parent Information Evenings for Year 1 through to Year 12. We have received nothing but positive feedback from last week’s ‘choose your own adventure’ Years 8 to 12 Parent Information Night. The format allowed parents to meet and greet other parents and Homeroom teachers, to attend year-based sessions and to choose other sessions that were appropriate to them. We look forward to developing the concept further next year.


The year started with the High Achievers’ Assembly, where staff, students and parents joined to celebrate the successes of the high achievers from the Class of 2022, and at the end of this week we joined together for the Year 6 Leaders’ Primary Assembly.

Parents of the 2022 College Dux, Natalie Ong, were present, together with her sister Jennifer, to celebrate Natalie’s achievements with the College Community
Parents of the 2022 College Dux, Natalie Ong, were present, together with her sister Jennifer, to celebrate Natalie’s achievements with the College Community
There was standing room only at this morning’s Year 6 Leaders’ Assembly
There was standing room only at this morning’s Year 6 Leaders’ Assembly

On Wednesday this week the Years 4 to 6 Swimming Carnival was held with huge support of parents and extended family members. Similarly, there was tremendous parent support at the Secondary Carnival.


And there have only been five weeks of term!


As we move to Week 6, I urge parents to support the Parents’ Association and attend the meeting in the St Thomas More Exhibition Centre at 7pm on 7 March. This umbrella organisation, which consists of the Parents’ Association Liaisons, the Men of John XXIII, Roncalli Care, the Friends of Music and Drama, and Inspire — the education arm of the Association — provides for involvement from parents with a vast array of interests.


All of these events and opportunities remind us of one of the cornerstones of our College — the importance of our community of families and the partnership which recognises the role of the parents as first educators of their children. As Pope Francis said, ‘the family is the first school of human values, where we learn the wise use of freedom’. 


Together, as a united community, let us seek justice.


Kathleen Negus
