Beyond Blue - 2XU Wellness Run



The 2XU Wellness Run is an event that is held in December. This year we have nearly 50 people running in the SMPPS team including teachers, students, parents, and the wider school community! 

With less than 2 weeks to go until the event now is the time to sign up if you are wanting to join us! There are a range of distances to suit everyone including a 1km kids run for under 12 years old. 

It’s definitely not a competitive race, last year there were people running dressed up as Teletubbies, it's meant to be more fun than serious and it raises funds for Beyond Blue which is a fantastic cause.

For those of you already registered we will be sending out details of a meeting place in Catani Gardens soon in case you would like to meet up with others before and after you run. 


Did you know that over 3 million people in Australia experience depression or anxiety? As Australia’s most well-known and visited mental health organisation, Beyond Blue has worked with the community for over 20 years to improve mental health and prevent suicide, so that all people in Australia can achieve their best possible mental health.

Register to run and use your fundraising page to motivate your network and raise funds for Beyond Blue!


Date: 4th December

Distances: 21km, 10km, 5km walk or run and a 1km rids run.

Course: Starts and finishes at Catani gardens and goes along Beach Road.


If you are wanting to join, the easiest way to join the SMPPS team is via this link as it links you automatically into the school team:


If you are looking for more information on the event the website link is:


Please note this is an event we are opening up to the school community. It is not an official school event, all children will need to be supervised by a parent or guardian


Cate Bain-Lowry

Year 1 teacher