Specialist News 


Noticias de Español (Spanish News)

This week in Spanish students have LOVED learning about a very strange Christmas tradition from Catalonia, a region in the north-east of Spain (where Maestra lived for nearly two years). It is called the Tió de Nadal (Christmas log) or Caga Tió (Pooping log).

On the 8th December, the Tió de Nadal enters the family home. Every day, the children try to behave very well, and care for the tió. They cover him with a 'manta' (blanket) and give him 'comida' (food) and 'agua' water every day. 

On the 25th December, they tap the tió with a stick while singing a special song (there are variations of the song) in the hope that tió might poop out some 'caramelos' (sweets) or 'regalos' (presents).


At SMPPS, on the 8th December, a tió will be set up outside the Spanish room. We invite the community to provide him with a little food every day (he likes 'fruta') and ensure he has 'agua' (water). On the last day of school, if we tap him with a stick, hopefully he may poop us all a little treat!


From the 8 -19 December, parents are invited to come and take a peek at Tió, but don't touch the blanket!

Please remind your child/children that they are NOT permitted to give tió their own lunch or snack! 


Below are the lyrics to the song (please be aware that the song is in Catalán, the regional language spoken in Catalonia, not Spanish) and a link to the music, so you can practice singing along!

Hot tip! You can buy 'turron' (nougat) cheaply in Aldi at the moment - get some next time you are in for your family to try!


Catalán                                       English

link to the song