
Mrs Kate Mowat


Another year draws to a close and what a wonderful amount of reading has taken place across our school.  I am so proud of our library space and the huge array of books we have on offer for our students.  The PRC saw thousands upon thousands of books read!  Our Scholastic Book Club has been successful and thanks to your purchases we have been able to buy hundreds of new titles to keep our students motivation to read high!


I was thrilled to be able to catch up on our Year 1 and 2 Grandparents Days this year as well as hold our Foundation event.  From this we were donated hundreds of beautiful new books and their grandchildren were the first to borrow these.   A real highlight of mine was the joy one of our students had in handling his fresh new book....he looked up at me and said "Mrs Mowat....this is so nice I just want to eat it!". I said that is the smell of a beautiful new book.....something we never forget!


My heartfelt thanks to those families that covered some books throughout the year.  I have to make particular reference to grandparents of James (Year 2) and Jaxon (Foundation). David and Barbara introduced themselves to me and have since worked tirelessly to cover the entire back load of new books and repair all the books in our book hospital.  They are absolutely appreciated by the whole school for this wonderful work.


I wish our Year 6 students and families love and luck for your next journey and look forward to your graduation ceremony.


I love being your school Librarian and look forward to another big year together.  Please take care, stay safe and enjoy time with your family and friends.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Mrs Mowat