We had a fabulous few weeks over the summer holidays with some great activities. Check out the photos and child feedback on our vacation care display wall!
Some popular favourites were Minion Madness, Unicorns VS Dragons, Pokémon Day and Pirate Treasure Hunt. The children particularly enjoyed Pamper Party where they got their nails painted, hair braided, did relaxation activities, made dream catchers and had oatmeal face masks. We hired arcade games and even a slushy machine as a special treat to enjoy in the warm weather. Excursions to the ARC, the Regal Theatre and Inflatable World were also very popular highlights.
We are looking for a parent/guardian interested in joining the OSHC committee as a Governing Council/parent representative for 2023. The OSHC committee consists of the Principal, OSHC Director, school Business Manager, a Governing Council representative and an OSHC parent representative. We meet twice per term for approximately one hour. The meetings have been at 11:00am on a Friday but this can be negotiated to suit committee members. As the Governing Council representative, you would be responsible to report to Governing Council on behalf of the OSHC committee. If you are interested or have any questions regarding the position, please see Melissa (OSHC Director).