‘Learning for Life’ @ Chilwell 


This term we are focusing on PERSISTENCE

To persist is to continue to try and to be determined. 

Being persistent calls on self-belief, hope and courage. This allows us to be determined and to have a strong purpose in what we do.

Congratulations to the following students:   



Term 4 Week 8 2022

Assembly: November 25th 




Mrs Adams Prep A    

Lukas Hannam for being persistent with all learning tasks.

Molly Rudd for being persistent with all learning tasks.

Mrs Burns Prep B

Caspar Ertiryaki for working hard on your diorama, well done.

Enrique Tang for working passionately on your inquiry task. Well done.

Mr Clark Prep C

Blake Dunstan - For persisting during his inquiry research project.

Mietta Neilson - For demonstrating persistence when independent writing.

Mrs Harmer & Miss Robertson  1HR 
Mr Perrott 1RP 
Ms Hamilton 2KHMax Collishaw - For working very hard and showing great persistence to achieve your learning goals.
Mr Smith 2JSLila Perisic- Moore- For showing great persistence and creativity in her writing.
Mrs Galluccio 2AGEmma Tang - for the persistence she has demonstrated while working on a collaborative writing project with a friend.
Mrs Eddy 3CECalvin Hope - for showing commitment towards his maths tasks. 
Ms Wieland 3MW

E.J. Waller- for showing terrific persistence in understanding and solving Mathematical problems.

Harper Armytage- for persisting in completing all of her work and for working hard in Numeracy.

Miss Louisa 4LB

Aairah Ansari for showing great persistence in Bike Ed to achieve her bike riding goal. Superstar effort!

Conor Hanna - Philips for showing much greater persistence and attention to detail when completing tasks.

Mrs Jelenko 4KJVictor Chang - for great persistence and help seeking during Bike Ed, overcoming a flat tyre challenge.
Mrs Walsh 5SW

Genevieve Wells- for her wonderful effort in all areas of her learning.

Jimmy Phillip- for working consistently to achieve his learning goals

Mr Cole & 

Mrs Gilham

 5CGFinn McColl for his outstanding persistence  and positive attitude in all subjects. Well done Finn! 
Mrs Stynes 5JSLewis Davidson - For his quiet persistence in all he does, great progress!
Mr Czarnuch 6MC

Meg Muhor - for showing amazing persistence all year.

Issy Mann - for persisting with challenging learning goals.

Mrs McLaren 6JMQixuan Ma - for showing persistence with challenging maths tasks.