Fabulous Foundation 


Fabulous Foundation

Term 4 Week 10 2022 - Friday 9th December


What a year…


We are so proud of the 2022 Foundation cohort and have spent some time reflecting on the year they’ve had.  


On their first day the students came in looking so little yet wide eyed and ready for their first year of school. They were excited and nervous, eager to learn and make new friends. 

As the year progressed, the students became familiar with the school routine and environment. Firm friendships were formed, many that will continue for life! They became proactive with their Reading, Writing, and Maths and embraced the 7 Habits language daily in the classroom. They demonstrated a sense of pride with their belongings and kept their classroom and school neat and tidy. We are going to miss having them in our classroom. 


We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Foundation parents and families for their unwavering support. It ‘takes a village’ and we definitely have a fabulous one here at Le Page.  


We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. 

Please be sure to say hello next year if you see us around the school. 


Many thanks, 

Narelle, Olivia, Kelli, Anni, Aimee &Gemma