Deputy Matters

I would like to take this opportunity to thank students for their great work throughout this year. Well done to you all. I would also like to thank parents and carers for your support of our programs and meeting with us. I thank the staff for their great work on the inclusion team, the Special Education support faculty and the school counsellors. I would like to thank the Head Teachers across the school including: Ms Sandilands, Ms Prins, Mr Irani, Ms Hindi, Ms Sambuco and Ms Sandilands for facilitating inclusion.
JBHS Inclusion Team
Our school inclusion team have done a great job this year. Everyone’s role has been invaluable to actioning whole school and individual inclusive support programs. I thank Ms Cattanach, Ms Sandilands, Ms Prins, Ms Moon, Ms Devi, Ms Mohammad, Ms Tulin, Ms Bessenyei, Ms Khuder, Ms Tufuga and Ms Lees for their great work on the team.
In particular, I would like to thank Ms Bessenyei, Ms Devi, Ms Mohammad, Ms Moon and Ms Tulin for Wear It Purple Day and the visits by the Western Sydney Wanderers, Ms Prins for the Backflips for Bullying and Girls Education Workshop, Ms Moon for the NSW Health Initiative, Souths Care, LAW talks, Ms Sandilands and Ms Khuder for our Art Exhibition, Library helpers and Ms Cattanach for Dance inclusion. In addition, staff supported individual students as needed throughout the year. Thanks, in particular to Mr Narayan for including our students in White Card Training and work skills and to Ms Gouganovski for her help with Wear it Purple Day. I'd also like to thank Mrs Gorham for the wonderful work she has done in her role as Year 12 Adviser. And a big thank you to Ms Au for her great work in her capacity as Year Adviser in the Support Unit, as well as her work with the timetable and reports. Well done to you all.
This year twelve staff across the school completed the Online Training Australia ADHD Course. This course was completed by staff after school hours and was worth 20 hours of professional learning. It was a pleasure presenting this course to you all. Congratulations on your great work.
International Day for People with a Disability
We believe our students have amazing talents. This year we celebrated the achievements of our students in art by hosting an Art Exhibition for other staff and students in the school. It was held in the school library and online. Thank you to all the students who provided pieces for the exhibition, which also included art works from the Shining Stars program.
One of our students, Jaylyn Munoz’s (Year 10), artwork was accepted in an international Art exchange. She was one of 100 successful applicants from New South Wales Public Schools. Jaylyn’s work has been sent to Nagoya in Japan. Works sent from a student in Japan will be on display in our front office foyer.
Shining Stars and NSW School Spectacular
We congratulate all the students who participated in Shining Stars and the NSW School Spectacular this year. I thank Ms Kerryn Cattanach, Ms Pinder, Ms Au, Mr Suljevic and Mr Roberts for their great work. I really enjoyed the Shining Stars performance and exhibition – beautiful work.
Community Access
Students in a range of Special Education participated in Community Access Programs. This included taking students shopping, traveling to the city and Paramatta. All students had the opportunity to visit Lizard Log. Students learn a range of valuable life skills through these community access programs and excursions.
Year 10 Recognition
I would like to congratulate all the Year 10 students on their awards. In particular, I would like to highlight the achievements of Year 10 students who are in Special Education support classes. Special Education as a discipline covers a full range of abilities from Autism, Gifted Education, Learning adjustments. Each student has an individual education plan with goals set collaboratively with parents and students. Students in Year 10 have successfully completed an introduction to TAFE along with their regular program of study. Pleasingly, we have four students moving from the special education classes into mainstream classes full time next year. A number of students are accessing regular curriculum for the first time.
All of our students from the Special Education Unit now attend all school and year assemblies at our school and next year our students’ names will be further integrated within the mainstream cohort. We thank the English staff and other for their support of this. I thank all 28 staff in the Special Education Faculty, our two Head Teachers Ms Devi and Ms Mohammad and Ms Au our wonderful Year Advisor for their work.
We are continuing to move forward in supporting individual students and I would like to congratulate Year 10 students congratulate them on their achievements and thank the parents of our students for their amazing support throughout this year.
Community Of Practice (COP) – Supporting Inclusion
Congratulations to Mr Suljevic for presenting on transition at a combined network Head Teacher Special Education meeting. It was great to see him highlight the great work at our school for other schools. This combined network meeting is led by two other Deputy Principals of Inclusion and support as well as myself. We meet with Head Teachers across regions online twice a term to share ideas and best practice in Special Education. I would also like to than Ms Cattanach for her presentation on the Resolution Centre for staff at one of our combined network meetings.
Well done to all students in Special Education Support classes. We are proud of your progress. Thanks again to you all for your support of our school and faculty programs this year. I wish you all a great holiday.
Regards and thanks
Mrs Veronica Mafi
Deputy Principal Inclusion and Support