Spotlight on a Staff Member 

By Shelly De Gabriel, Rihanna El Foul and Nassem Nabil - Year 9

In this edition, we interview former JBHS student and current staff

member, Ms Mamissa, who will be our 2023 Year 7 Assistant Adviser!

Ms Mamissa - Year 7 Assistant Year Adviser 2023

Why did you want to come back to JBHS after you finished? 

I really enjoyed my time at this school here and when the opportunity arose, I thought ‘cool! I’ll give it a go’. And I love it, I like the school environment. There are an awesome bunch of students and an awesome bunch of teachers, and it's amazing working with all of them.


How has teaching been so far? 

I think when I started off as an SLSO I thought I would never be able to teach, honestly. But then when I started teaching this year I actually really enjoyed this school environment and I think this is the type of school that I want to be teaching in for a really long time.


If you do get a new Year 7 class, would you be excited for it? Why? 

YES! I will be, I feel like because I'm the Assistant Year Adviser, It gives me the chance to get to know that grade really well. Year 7 is fun; I feel like you can do so much with Year 7’s. And they are still young and excited to do new things.


What was your favourite subject when you were in high school? 

Biology and Music were my favourite.


Do you have any tips to give to future students who want to become teachers in the future? 

It's ok if something doesn't work out the way that you want it to work out, because you will just adjust and try again the next day and if it works out then awesome, keep going, and if it doesn't just keep trying again.


Were there any struggles when you were in high school and how did you overcome them? 

I feel like in senior years it was a lot to take in at times where you would have assessments due, EVERY SINGLE DAY in one week, and I guess the way that I tried to overcome that is I try to complete them earlier, so when I got an assessment notification sheet I would try and at least start planning that day and then just do a little bit of at a time every single day rather than leave it last minute and stress about then have to worry about all the other assessments as well.


How much has the school changed since you were a student here? In what ways? 

I feel as if now the school engages more in the students' entertainment, as they have developed more school activities.


What are you looking for the most about your role as the Year 7 Assistant Adviser? 

I feel like Ms Fioramonte and I would be an amazing team and I feel like we're going to come up with some wellbeing events that we can do with the kids which would be really good.


What do you think of the students? 

They are so adorable; they look so eager, and I hope that eagerness stays with them.


What do you think you will learn from the students? 

I think I will learn how to adapt to more situations because every student has their own needs and personalities.


Do you think any Year 7 students would work here in the future too? 

I hope so, I feel like I need to get to know them more before I make a decision, but I do hope some do.


Is the role for you and why? 

I think so, I think I care a lot about student wellbeing and I feel like Ms Fioramonte will be a great mentor in guiding me through this process.


What advice would you give to the Year 7 students’ parents? 

Check in on your child, just to see that they are doing well with the workload because I feel like it's a very drastic change from Year 6 to Year 7, especially with the assessment tasks it's going to get to a point where the Year 7’s are going to have to just deal with all these assessments getting thrown at them and that would be a bit stressful.


What a nice, cool teacher! Anyone would be lucky to have Ms M as their teacher and Year Adviser!