Spotlight on a Staff Member 

By Shelly De Gabriel, Rihanna El Foul and Nassem Nabil - Year 9

In this edition, we interview former JBHS student and current staff

member, Mrs Fioramonte, who will be our 2023 Year 7 Adviser!

Ms Fioramonte - Year 7 Adviser 2023

What are you looking for the most about your role as the Year 7 Adviser? 

I’m looking forward to building rapport with students and hope to ease the students into high school.


What challenges do you think you will need to overcome as a teacher? 

It’s human nature to have personality clashes and I think that would be the most challenging thing.


What do you think of the students? 

I’ve met most of them at the orientation and already think they are great, with their different personalities.


What do you think you will learn from the students? 

I want to develop skills of patience, which is something we all need to have.


What do you look forward to when you become a Year Adviser? 

Building a relationship with the students, because it might be a little challenging to do.


Do you think any Year 7 students would work here in the future too? 

I can definitely see a lot of potential in our students working here, but I feel I haven’t worked enough with them just yet to be sure.


Is the role for you and why? 

Absolutely I think the role is for me, I think I’m quite good with forming relationships with students in particular. I quite enjoy that building of rapport with them. That is what a major chunk of being a Year Adviser is about.


What advice would you give to the Year 7 students’ parents? 

The advice I would give them is to rest assured in knowing that Ms Mamissa and I are focused on the students' wellbeing. We are there for their child, and hopefully as issues arise, we will have that open communication with parents for us to solve the problem.


What made you want to come back after you finished school? 

I really enjoyed my time here, and when the opportunity arose I thought, ‘yeah, let me give it a go’. I like the school environment, I think we have a lovely bunch of students and teachers. It’s nice working here.


How has teaching been so far? 

I think it has been different from what I have been used to in the classroom, because I don’t have the same class all the time. It’s definitely a very interesting role because each day is very different to me.


If you do get a new Year 7 class, would you be excited for it? Why? 

I would love it! It would be amazing if I got to have all the new year 7s, if that was part of my timetable.


What was your favourite subject when you were in high school? 

English and Ancient History.


Do you have any tips to give to future students who want to become teachers in the future? 

Try not to lose that ‘spark’ that you have for teaching because I think that every teacher goes in with that and their very excited about being there when things don’t work out the way they expect it. Keep that ‘spark’ alive, keep that excitement going because it translates into your class and I think students can see your excitement. And when it’s not there they can also see that. Oh, and build connections with the students.


Were there any struggles when you were in high school and how did you overcome it? 

I was in high school a very long time ago, but there definitely would have been struggles. Everyone goes through struggles, maybe I just don’t remember them. I think I kind of just blocked them out. I think I coped alright with them.


How much has the school changed since you were a student here? In what ways? 

The school has had a lot of ‘facelifts’ which I like, I feel there are a lot more murals and I absolutely love the volleyball courts as well as the new ping pong tables they might be putting up soon.


We think the new Year 7s are lucky because Ms F seems to be such a nice, chilled teacher!