Spotlight on a 


By Shelly De Gabriel, Nassem Nabil and 

Rihanna ElFoul - Year 9

Jacob Jacob - Year 12

Jacob is one of our school captains and a wellbeing ambassador. He was also given the award for VET Student of the Year at our recent Presentation Evening. Jacob also won a Citizenship Award, and a couple of Academic Awards. When we asked Jacob if we could interview him for the newsletter he agreed and he was so kind, sweet and helpful. We know he loves photography too!


What do you like the most about being a school captain? 

Working with new students, people I don't get to know well and just to expand on my leadership skills.


What made you want to be a school captain? 

Okay I’m going to be honest; I wasn't expecting to get school captain and wasn’t really trying, I had a relaxed mindset and wasn't expecting to be captain. But now that I’m captain it's really nice to work with good prefects and friends.


What were the feelings you experienced when becoming a school captain? 

I was shocked but some other kids weren't really surprised and it was really nice to hear that. I had a mindset that if anyone else in our group got captain, I’d still be happy with it.


Why do you think you got picked to be school captain?

I guess the aspect of being kind and upholding the school's values.


What is the VET award? Could you explain what VET is? 

Okay from my understanding for the VET we just go into the real world and experience the world head on by going to a workplace. It's Vocational Education and Training. You get to actually experience the real world. In the industry of your choice.


Why do you think you got VET student of the year? 

I mean I have been working hard in the VET subject and just that motivation of trying to get things done well. I study Hospitality, cooking. 


Do you think you deserved the VET award? Why? 

I think yes and no. I think others in my class kinda did deserve it but I did work hard.


What have you done to become who you are now? 

I don't know just being myself and being captain has just expanded my experience more. It's just gonna make me grow more, both physically and mentally. 


Have you ever been able to be a prefect or school captain before? What was it like? 

No, I haven't, it's quite nice to have the role of captain for the first time.


Where did you do your work placement? 

For my work placement it was ‘hospitality kitchen operation’. It's basically getting involved in the kitchens. We helped pack and preserve food, we also had to label certain meats and learn how to put them away using machinery. There were heaps of different cooking equipment and we also got to meet some of the staff.


Is there anything you would like to add? 

Maybe some inspirational information for future captains and prefects; just get to know your audience, just having that one on one it has that big impact it does help and also being kind to everyone.


Jacob is such a mellow, chilled person and so good to talk to, just what we need in a captain.

We can't wait to see what he does in 2023!