Spotlight on a 


By Shelly De Gabriel, Rihanna El Foul and Nassem Nabil - Year 9

Jabriel Catic - Year 12

Jabriel is a wellbeing ambassador and VET student who has successfully completed a work placement course in barbering. He is also the recipient of some awards during our recent Presentation Evening - 4 Academic Awards, a Deputy Principal's Award and a Special Award - Year 11 Outstanding Student! 

Yep, this kid is on his way to success. He is driven, motivated and always seems to go out of his way to help others when needed. Which is why we thought we would sit down and have a chat with him.


When you went on work placement, what course did you do? 

I was doing barbering.


How do you feel after you completed your course? 

I felt pretty confident when I finished the course. At the completion of the course, the employers were asked to take someone else the week after. They had to choose who was better. I got news back that they chose me. 


What did you enjoy the most about the course and why? 

It was very relaxing the whole week I was there, kicking back.  I was cleaning during the whole week that I was there, but I got to listen to music, which felt good.


Do you think you will get a job involving the course in the future? 

Yes, next year I’ll try to push for 3 days at school, 1 day at TAFE and 1 day at work. That way I can still get my HSC.


Were there any ‘special activities’ that you did as part of the course? 

I helped the barber clean someone's hair, and he got me to make the mixture for him.


What made you want to do this course? 

The money is good, and it allows my creativity to ‘flow’.


Why did you want to become a wellbeing ambassador? 

Just being an extra voice for everyone. I think it’s important to speak up and just to be there for everyone.


What do you plan to do while you're a wellbeing ambassador? 

Helping out the younger years if they need something.


Can you explain what your role as a student mentor is? 

Miss G. has organised a few kids for me to look after, make sure they don’t do anything wrong. If something happens, I just gotta be there to make sure everything is okay and give them someone to talk to; someone they trust.


Where did you do the course? 

Work placement was close to Liverpool station, at ‘Customs & Classics’. I did the course earlier this year, from the 18th of October to the 22nd of October.


Overall, how was the experience? 

The experience was pretty good, as I said it was just very kick-back vibes. 


Would you suggest a course like this to anyone? 

Yes, even if it’s not barbering but school-based apprenticeship; if you know what you're going to do, you don’t have to wait until after school to do it. Just start straight away.


We can't wait to see what happens in 2023!