VET News

Wishing Year 12 Construction and Year 12 Hospitality Students all the very best for the future. We hope to see some of you down the track on Master Chef or The Block!!
It has been a pleasure teaching you all and getting to know you.
Congratulations to the following Year 12 Construction students:
Naeem and Faheem Talukder who have acquired an apprenticeship with Westbourne developments.
The following flyer has been developed to support you post school to access qualifications, white card, AQF transcript, or USI. Any of these can be sent to you electronically.
This term, as with all other subjects, students have begun the Higher school certificate course, Hospitality students have continued to participate in practical cooking lessons each week. These lessons form part of their assessment and are a mandatory requirement of the course. Students who miss practicals will need to complete these at home and provide photographic evidence. Students who fail to attend and participate in any practical cooking lesson will be required to prepare the item at home and bring it to school to be assessed by their class teacher, together with photographic evidence of the steps taken in the preparation and cooking process.
Students who have chosen Hospitality or Construction in Year 11 2023 as part of their preliminary studies, Welcome!
All students who have elected to study Hospitality are required to wear a chef’s uniform and closed-in leather shoes for practical lessons in order to meet Workplace Health and Safety Legislation and ensure the safety of the students. Practical lessons are conducted weekly and are used to determine student competence in a wide variety of industry-specific skills involving food preparation. Participation in practical lessons is a mandatory requirement.
Chef’s uniforms can be purchased through the school’s uniform shop. If you want to get organised early, you can place your orders now for 2023.
Have a Safe Break everyone!
Ms Hindi