Home Economics

Chef Dekura and Karitane
A huge hello and welcome to the James Busby community from our teachers in the James Busby Home Economic staffroom. What a fantastic journey it has been over the semester two period. Our conscientious students have been super busy upskilling their basic skills and abilities within the kitchen, classroom and labs. It has been an extremely busy year with many assessments and in class activities that have allowed our students to express their creative flares. Students have been busy within the fabric decoration domain, creating designs that incorporate the newly accredited skills that have been discovered in class. Students have been engaging in activities for practical designs such as marbling, stenciling, block printing, hand painting, sewing, applique, finger knitting and many more!
Students have also had the pleasure to continue cooking with our professional staff as well as hired professionals which have graced us with their presence. We had the amazing Chef Dekura who came in and gave all our amazing student chefs, an insight of the level of professionalism that goes into Japanese food and sushi making.
Students at James Busby have also had the opportunity to attend other fantastic programs that have highlighted our syllabus outcomes and teaching direction. The lovely Karitane group came to our school and delivered a program that highlighted all the components that are to be considered when becoming a parent or carer. The child studies program allowed for students to gain perspective and insight of what goes into becoming a parent, how to take care of a child as well as safety in relationships. What a great semester it’s been!
Our Goal here in Home Economics is to create and build confidence within our students, allowing them to thrive in their domain. Everyone has their own ability level and we encourage all students, past and present to continue striving, performing to the best of their own ability! We look forward to 2023, we hope you do too! Here are some moments of semester two that we thought we share!
A safe and happy holiday from us in HOME ECONOMICS!!