Taiko Drumming
An incursion was organised for Year 7 LOTE students, as well as for Japanese elective students from Years 10 and 11 on Thursday 10th November. The incursion was held in the school hall during period 5.
The incursion was presented by Taikoz Australia and featured traditional Japanese taiko drumming; in constant demand all over the world, the trio of musicians demonstrated how this incredible art form is made relevant to Australia today.
Taiko are a broad range of Japanese percussion instruments. In Japanese, the term taiko refers to any kind of drum, but outside Japan, it is used specifically to refer to any of the various Japanese drums called wadaiko and to the form of ensemble taiko drumming.
Students enjoyed the 50-minute performance which was subsidised by the English/LOTE department. We were excited for our students to have this opportunity.