Creative and 

Performing Arts News

Dreamhome: Stories of Art and Shelter


Year nine were invited by the Art Gallery of NSW in August this year to participate in their Art Pathways program and workshop.


Students made small cardboard houses that were/are included in a huge artwork made by Artists Alfredo and Isabel Aquilizan. The sculpture was commissioned by the Art Gallery of NSW, to be included in the opening of their new gallery spaces.


Year nine had a fantastic time at the Art Gallery of NSW, where they had the privilege of meeting and talking with the artists and a guided tour of the AGNSW permanent collection.

Year nine meeting Alfredo and Isabel Aquilizan, and learning about the workshop.


                                                              Everyone is involved.


                                                         Year Nine visual arts 2022.

                                                                One of year nines’ work spied high on the ceiling.

Links and brief quotes from the Art Gallery of NSW site:


Artists Alfredo and Isabel Aquilizan are creating one of their impressively scaled cardboard sculptures for the opening of the Art Gallery of New South Wales’ new building, known as the North Building, in December 2022.


Living between the Philippines and Australia, the artists have drawn on their own story of migration to forge an art practice dedicated to understanding the shifting, varied and often complicated meanings of home. They are inspired by the power of collective action and create spaces where people can come together through a process of art-making.


In a project titled Making it Home, selected school and community groups have been invited to create their own cardboard ‘dream homes’, which may become part of the Aquilizans’ sculpture and its new speculative neighbourhood in the new building, known as the North Building. Their constructions are on display in the studio space on lower level 2 in the Art Gallery’s historic South Building, and the final sculpture will be displayed within the exhibition Dreamhome: Stories of Art and Shelter when it opens on 3 December 2022.


Dreamhome: Stories of Art and Shelter reveals what 29 artists from Australia and farther afield have made of the idea of home. For these artists, home is not only a house or a place, it’s also memories, people – and stories.

Mr Paul McClaughlin

Visual Arts Teacher