Student Support Officer Update

A fabulous and busy Term 4 has flown by. We are extremely grateful to work with several external providers to enhance our student learning experiences. Many thanks to the Fairfield Liverpool Youth Health Team for providing a range of Health Promotion workshops, Mission Australia for the delivery of the RAGE program and Souths Cares for inspiring our Year 10 students. Our last event for the term was the Wests Tigers Unite Harmony Festival with other schools. Special thanks to Liverpool Women’s Resource Centre who funded our Wellness with Bec Workshops for targeted Year 7 female students. Thanks to Liverpool Catholic Club for their kind donation of ice-skating passes as great prizes for our students throughout the year
Term 4 was another super busy time for both mainstream and support students and an amazing time to work in partnership with a range of service providers. A special thank you to Mani Sidara from Fairfield Liverpool Youth Health Team who has delivered a range of Health Promotion Workshops to our Year 9 students. A wide range of topics were covered, including an introduction to the Youth Health Service, Mental Health, Healthy Relationships, Consent, Sexual Health and the effects of drugs and alcohol. It was a great opportunity to see the students working collaboratively in this space – undertaking activities to enhance their learning and problem-solving abilities.
#JBHS #lovewherewelearn #excellence #equality #respect #safety #ourfuture #nswhealth #healthpromotion #fairfieldliverpoolyouthhealthteam
The RAGE Program was offered for the first time this year. This strengths-based program assisted the students in understanding the many faces of anger, working through the guilt of anger and the importance of relaxation, exercise, and diet. Students were able to reflect on their own experiences and work on strategies to improve exposure to triggers and how to better deal with future situations.
#JBHS #lovewherewelearn #excellence #equality #respect #safety #ourfuture #rage #missionaustralia
Our Year 10 students were fortunate to attend the Rabbitohs Wellbeing Rising Stars workshop. This fabulous workshop allowed for our students to build awareness around being inspirational, setting goals and planning for their future. It was a great opportunity to work with Kalinda from Souths Cares and look forward to working together for our school community in 2023.
#JBHS #souths_cares #lovewherewelearn #excellence #equality #respect #safety #ourfuture #wellbeing #risingstars
Approximately 10 Year 7 students have been given a wonderful opportunity to attend the Wellness with Bec workshops. This series of 15 workshops increases the student’s awareness of well-being and teach each participant the importance of regular self-care practices.
The students have enjoyed working on setting goals, the importance of self-care, journalling and created some amazing vision boards. The students have enjoyed coming together twice a week which has created a safe space for the students to form new friendships with peers they have not had the opportunity to get to know yet throughout the year.
The workshops have proven to be a wonderful space for students to express their feelings, share their interests and increase their confidence.
The students at James Busby High School are extremely grateful to Liverpool Women’s Resource Centre for supporting and funding this amazing learning space which has enhanced their personal growth and development.
#JBHS #lovewherewelearn #excellence #equality #respect #safety #ourfuture #wellnesswithbec #liverpoolwomensresourcecentre
Our Year 7 students who had been involved in the Wests Tigers Unite Harmony Program earlier this year had the opportunity to participate in a fun oz-tag day and team building exercises with other schools run by Wests Tigers Foundation. Our students worked well with other schools and established great connections with older students in attendance. Congratulations to all students who attended, representing our school with respect and pride. A special shout out to Cherish-Grace who received the MVP for our school for the day. Cherish-Grace displayed a wonderful sense of sportsmanship, team care and school pride. Thanks to Kenny and the team from Wests Tigers Foundation on a successful day.
#JBHS #weststigersfoundation #uniteharmonyfestival #respect #healthyrelationships #goalsetting #lovewherewelearn #excellence #equality #respect #safety #ourfuture