School information

We are continually learning and evolving with this new platform. Activities are being added to the Calendar so please keep checking this regularly.
Please share your thoughts and what you value about St Mary's canteen / lunch orders now and moving forward. This process is a part of a bi-annual review of our existing provider as well as ensuring the food we serve our students is of the quality and choice of our students and families.
St Mary’s leadership and staff have been working with the community in designing and ensuring new uniform items meet the needs and wants of our students. Please find attached an image of our new rugby jumper and an Expression of Interest to gauge potential first orders for this item. These jumpers will be available in readiness for winter. Please note that there will be a 12 month roll over period for any uniform amendments so there is no obligation on families to purchase immediately. Detailed information around ordering will be shared at a later date.
St Mary’s 2023 Family Information Guide
Please find attached St Mary’s 2023 Family Information Guide. This guide will
Provide you with clarity and expectation of all things St Mary’s. At the beginning
Of the school year please refresh your child and yourselves around uniform,
Daily procedures, School Fees and Processes and Communication Modes and
Procedures. This booklet can also be found consistently on Compass.
St Mary’s School Improvement Plan
Please find attached St Mary’s new and current School Improvement Plan. The
Staff collaboratively composed our future plan using data and consultation
From all stakeholders. Our objectives will know guide our professional learning,
Teaching and Learning practice and how we align human and financial
Resources. Our community will continue to be informed of connections
and strategic actions which will ensure our commitment and accountability.
St Mary’s Master Plan
St Mary’s is so excited to release to our community our Master Plan. Our
Master plan also included all stakeholders voice and consultation and engaged
Gray & Puksand Architects who specialise in educational settings. The master
Plan will guide our improved physical resources to accommodate our
Educational direction while ensuring we have contemporary and inviting learning
Spaces for our students and staff. The Master plan support school
Improvement for 10 to 15 years and is used to apply for grants and explicit
Design moving forward. The master plan can also be found on our school
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
If you have a current Health Care Card or Pension Card, you may be eligible for the Camps/ Sports/ Excursions Fund (CSEF) payment.
The CSEF is an annual payment of $125 to the school to be used towards camps, sports and / or excursion expenses for the benefit of the eligible student.
If you have applied for the CSEF last year, you do not need to complete an application form in 2023 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances. e.g. New student enrolment, your child has started or changed schools, or you did not apply at the same school in 2022.
Please click on the button below and return the form to the office.
School Advisory Council
This week we had our first School Advisory Council Meeting. The collaboration of the SAC focuses on school improvement, nurturing community partnerships, consulting and collaborating on school directions and goals and advocating positidley in the community on behalf of all at St Mary’s. The committee is integral to our school and valued greatly by the school's leadership.
This week our meeting focussed on;
- Nurturing community in times of change
- Understanding the VCEMEA Teachers Employment Award
- Pending Changes; Uniform & canteen
The School Advisory Council Members for 2023 are;
Jasmine Ryan - Principal
Sarah Kilborn - Staff Representative
Adelia Muldoon - Staff Representative
Belinda Lees - School Advisory Chair
Inece Bray - School Advisory Council Member
Jenny Weeks - School Advisory Council Member
Laurelin Berick - School Advisory Council Member
Jacki Magdwick - School Advisory Council Member
School Advisory Council Meeting Dates are;
3rd April
29th June
24th July
4th September
6th November
4th December - End of Year Meeting & Dinner