Learning and Teaching

To share our learning with our school community each class has been allocated a week to write a short paragraph to demonstrate a ‘celebration of learning’ that has been occurring in the classrooms for the newsletter. This may include: A brief paragraph as to what is happening in learning and teaching in the classrooms, examples of children’s learning, images, goals, learners' own words.
The Foundation learners are off to a flying start in their learning. They have started to explore letters and sounds and have been busy making letter craft.
The Foundation learners have been continuing to focus on numbers to ten and create craft around this. The learners have begun focus groups and been busy collaborating with their peers.
Year 1
Students in Year One have been investigating their identity and how this influences their belonging to different communities. They enjoyed sharing their identity bags which reflected who they are as a person.
In class students have been working on an identity shield which further illustrates what makes them unique and special.
Year 3 Reading
The Year 3 teachers have been reading the novel ‘Runt’ by Craig Silvey to our classes. Our students are enjoying hearing about a unique character Annie Shearer and her best friend, an adopted stray dog called Runt. Modelled reading enables teachers to model good reading behaviours while providing opportunities to familiarise students with text features.
As well as demonstrating fluent and expressive reading, our teachers have been demonstrating a range of reading comprehension strategies. Our Year 3 students then practise these reading comprehension strategies when reading their own ‘Just Right’ novels.
The novel Runt has helped our students understand how it is important to develop characters when writing a narrative and how to build suspense and make the reader feel for our character.
Congratulations to our Year 1 awards winners!