Catholic Identity

Shrove Tuesday
This week we celebrated Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Tuesday in true St. Mary’s style - many hands made light work. The students all enjoyed the annual Catholic tradition. Thank you to the many families who donated ingredients and a gold coin to help start our school’s Project Compassion campaign.
We aim to raise awareness and funds for Caritas Australia. It’s a timely reminder of the importance of solidarity and how each single act of kindness - whether big or small, can make a life changing impact in the lives of those who need it most. The theme for this year’s Project Compassion is ‘for all future generations’ an affirmation that the good we do today will extend and impact the lives and generations to come.
Ash Wednesday
Yesterday our Whole School Community came home with a cross of ashes marked on their foreheads for Ash Wednesday. The symbolic action was received with words of prayer ‘be sorry for wrongs and be faithful to Jesus’.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Liturgical season of Lent. It’s a solemn time of renewal and prayer. The season reflects Jesus’ time of 40 days spent in the desert. Students across all year levels will begin learning about the Lenten season’s 3 pillars:
1. Praying more,
2. Giving more/ almsgiving and
3. Penance going without something.
Caritas K’s
This year, we will again have the opportunity to participate in ‘Caritas K’s’ and walk around the soccer pitch at school each Friday during Lent from 8.20 till 8:45, running until the end of term and beginning this Friday. All Mums, Dad’s, Guardians and Grandparents are welcome to join in walking. There will be supervising teachers present with project compassion donation boxes each Friday.
Loving God,
As we walk the journey of Lent together,
Guide us in our prayer,
Remind us to give more to others and more of ourselves.
Help us to do without things in our lives,
That keeps us from being loving people.
Parish Based Sacramental Program
Our St. Mary’s Echuca Parish Priest Fr. Novie and the Sacramental Team, warmly welcome and invite prospective parents to the continuation of your child or children’s faith journey. Please see the advertisement below for this evenings ‘Sacraments Information Meeting’ at our Church.
St. Mary’s Church Hospitality Space
Our Parish is raising funds for a hospitality space to be created in our Church. It’s called ‘Cash for a cause’ Please see the flyer below and help to support our St. Mary’s Parish.