Principal Introduction

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
This year has been outstanding and as a Principal I couldn't be prouder of our students and teachers.
The EMC 2022 Year 12 cohort deserve credit for their fortitude and resilience and for working so collaboratively with each other and with their teachers. They have achieved outstanding results:
- EMC Average All Study Score 29.34 (up 2.24 points)
- 40+ scores 4.46% (up from 1.9%)
- English 27.8 (up from 25.28)
- Further 28.9 (up from 26.93)
- Scores 37+ (including 37) = 11.6% (up from 5%)
It is important to acknowledge all the staff for this outstanding performance. It is a great reflection of their professionalism, dedication and care, all of which has been on display these last six years. Our teachers are committed to evidence-based strategies that work, this year we had a focused plan and the results speak for themselves.
Great results are not possible without the support of all families. Great academic results are the product of a strong partnership between our students, parents and guardians and the College and its staff. This year we have continued to build on the outstanding support that was already in place.
Our VCAL program has continued its outstanding support of students in applied learning pathways with wonderful results for these students being achieved including:
- 92% of EMC VCAL classes successful completion
- Stand out student results:
- Matilda Sawyer won VCAL EMC Dux and VCAL Excellence award at FMPLLEN
- Charlotte Stanley won VCAL Encouragement award at FMPLLEN
- Matilda Sawyer and Billy Powell both fast tracked and completed mid year
Students studying VCAL and VCE have the opportunity to student Vocational Education and Training (VET) options. EMC had 440 students across Years 10 to 12, VCAL and VCE, enrolled in a VET this year across 54 different studies with 85% completion. As always, the EMC VET RTOs provided amazing studies in CISCO, Agriculture, Fashion, Sport and Recreation, Dance, Building and Construction, with outstanding VCE results in Dance (Study Score average 38.5) and Sport and Recreation (Study Score average 36.19).
Stopping and taking time to reflect on the year that was, I am incredibly proud of the outcomes across all aspects of our College. Having successfully run a full suite of extra curricula activities including, sport, instrumental music, productions, camps leadership events, transition events and excursions, we offer every student a full and well rounded curriculum offering. These things only happen when you have an outstanding group of staff that are dedicated and brilliant at what they do. I would like to thank our staffing community for their pursuit of excellence and looking forward to 2023 as we continue our improvement journey.
I would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a safe new year. This is a time to celebrate the success of 2022 and prepare for a year of optimism, gratitude and kindness, as we embark on some really fun and enjoyable learning.
Dean King