Wellbeing Team News

Goodbye Annalisa!


Today we say goodbye to Annalisa, who joined us in 2022 as a Youth Worker with our Wellbeing Team. We will miss Annalisa but wish her the very best!

A message from Annalisa:

Thank you to all the students for having fun with me at Breakfast Club and all the programs we've run at HPSC. Take care of yourselves and remember it's not goodbye from me, it's just 'See You Later'!


Wellbeing Report

By Debbie Edwards


Welcome to 2023!  It’s good to be back and getting straight into business, chatting to students about what they did over the summer break. 


The wellbeing team have relocated to E block while we await the building of our new Wellness Centre.  Students and parents can contact the wellbeing team for support or find valuable resources and information about local agencies on the College website. Wellbeing Services | Hampton Park Secondary College (hpsc.vic.edu.au)


Our Doctor’s Clinic has reopened and bookings have commenced.  Our partnering Clinic is  Southern Cross Medical Centre who provide a Doctor and nurse onsite each Thursday from 10 am to 2 pm.  Students can make bookings through Compass – under the Star tab – Doctor booking.


Just a reminder that we are fortunate to have the valuable services of Mr John Kuony, Mental Health Social Worker and Ms Mel Kemper, Psychologist who provide counselling to students under the Medicare Mental Health Care Plan.    We are also supported by Victoria Hammond from Foundation House who can provide 1:1 support for students from a refugee background. If you would like more information about supporting your child, please call ( 8795 9400 and ask for the wellbeing team.


The wellbeing team will be working hard to support all of our students and will be involved in delivering many programs across the school, including some fun lunchtime activities.  Breakfast Club has started back up again and is running each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 8.15 am in E block.


We take a moment to send our sincere condolences to the Narann family on the recent passing of their son, Eric, a Year 7 student.  This is a difficult time for many of the Year 7 students who knew Eric and his family through Primary School.  The wellbeing team are available to support to students and families and can be contacted on 8795-9400.


If you or your child are finding it emotionally difficult to cope, please be aware of these support services, available 24/7



Also, please have a look at this useful resource from Headspace 



Our Youth Worker, Annalisa Picone has just left the wellbeing team to continue her studies and we thank her for all of the hard work over the last 6 months in supporting students and running Breakfast Club and other programs. Annalisa – we wish you all the best in the future!


Casey Youth Services

Below are some resources from Casey Youth Services


For more resources, events and support services, visit Casey Youth Services