Dux of the school 2022

In this newsletter, we announce the dux of the school for 2022. This student has worked diligently for the time he has been at JFC and teachers know how much he deserves to be the dux of the school. His final score was the highest of the whole cohort which is a great achievement. What is so important, is that he earned this through hard work, perseverance, commitment and high expectations of himself. These are the values of our school, and he consistently upheld these values.
Congratulations ..... Yuanhao (Paul) Gao, 2023 dux of John Fawkner College.
Congratulations to all of our senior students for completing Year 12!
Our graduation ceremony last Friday saw families coming along to help us celebrate the achievements of the students, in VCE and VCAL. We are very proud of our students - especially after a couple of very difficult years during lockdown.
We congratulate them and wish them all the very best for their chosen pathways. Please keep in touch and let us know what you do in 2023.