Year 10 News

Brittany King & Courtney Scherger | Yr 10 Coordinators

Welcome to Year 10 - 2023! 


Welcome to returning students and also any new students and families that we have starting at Horsham College this year. The Year 10 Team are looking forward to a great year, and working with you all. 


Below is some Important Dates and information for your calendars: 


Semester 1 Subject Changes

If your student requires a subject change, please get them to see one of the Year Level Co-ordinators at recess or lunchtime. From there, students will receive a subject change form in which will need to be signed off at home. An appointment time will be then made with the co-ordinators to talk through a possible subject switch. 


Work Experience

Semester 1 Work Experience dates – 3 – 6 April

Semester 2 Work Experience dates – 11 – 15 September 


Students will undertake a Careers class in either Semester 1 or Semester 2. Within this careers class, students will organise their work experience with a employer. Genni Smith will also assist Careers Teaching staff and students with their work experience organisation and necessary certificates.


Year 10 Camps 

This year, Year 10 students have three camps to choose from. Traditionally, the three camps that have run are Gold Coast camp, Melbourne camp and Snow camp. Dates for these camps are Term 3 Week 1 10 – 14 July. 


More details in regards to the varying camp costs to come in future SEQTA Direct Messages and Horsham College Newsletters. 


Absence Hotline

If your student is absent from school please contact the absence hotline on 5381 7172 or via SEQTA Engage, SEQTA DM to myself, or Brittany King. 


Important Year 10 Dates:


Term 1

6 Feb – School Photos

29 March – Parent Teacher Interviews

 3 – 6 April - Work Experience 

3 – 6 April – UniTafe Experience Week 


Term 2 

11 May – Year 10 Immunisations


Term 3 

10 – 14 July – Year 10 Camp

2 August – Subject Selection Day 

6 September – Parent Teacher Interviews 

11 – 15 September – Work Experience Week 

11 – 15 September – UniTafe Experience Week 


Term 4

27 Nov – 1 Dec - 10 into 11 Headstart Week


Contact details for Year 10 Team 2023:

Brittany King: 

Year 10 Co-ordinator 



Courtney Scherger: 

Year 10 Co-ordinator 



Jaymi O’Connor: 

Year 10 Leading Teacher 

5381 7110


Louise Amor 

Year 9 and 10 Assistant Principal 

5381 7110 


Genni Smith: 

5381 7196

Work Experience/SBA/SWL