

& Wellbeing

Melissa Twaddell, Louise Amor,  Shannon Argall & Liam Offer

Welcome back to all our students and families and an extra special welcome to all of our new students. It is so exciting to be back on site again and in class. We hope everyone had a relaxing holiday and have returned refreshed for this year.


Welcome to our new staff to the team – Mr Shannon Argall (Assistant Principal for year 7&8) and Kara Johnson (Wellbeing support for year 7&8).


On Monday we kicked off the year with our year 7s involved in a Bootcamp style day with activities so they become familiar with each other, their teachers and school expectations. Our year 12s were introduced to the team of staff whom will be supporting their academic and wellbeing throughout the year. On Tuesday we met all of our year 8 to year 11 students and before recess all students had their diaries, lockers and timetables and went into class for period 2.


With term 1 comes the responsibility of students wearing their school hat. If you need to purchase one please head to Earle’s in Firebrace Street.


Student absences – please contact your child’s year level office if you know your child is going to be absent or they require a pass to be collected for an appointment.


Mobile phones and smart watches can be left at home or in a student’s locker for the duration of the school day.


Year 8 camp to Anglesea  is in Week 3 - Wednesday 15th - Friday 17th February. There are still some places available on this surf coast camp and the best part is that it is free! If your child would like to go, forms can be collected from the Year 8 coordinators.


If you have any concerns throughout the year please contact your child’s home-room teacher or year-level co-ordinators. Please remember you can use Seqta to direqt message your child’s teachers.


We look forward to yet another fantastic year.


Shannon, Louise, Melissa and Liam