Visual & Performing


Courtney Scherger - 

Arts Learning Area Leader 

Welcome to 2023! 


The Visual and Performing Arts team welcome new staff members Hugh Kirne and Olivia Davey to our team. Hugh is teaching Instrumental classes and Junior Music and Olivia is teaching VCE Theatre Studies this year. We welcome both to our Horsham College Community. 


Our team consists of: 

  • Brittany King: VCE Creative Practice 
  • Courtney Scherger: Visual Communication Design
  • James Craig: Media 
  • Irene Gomez: Media 
  • Sue Pavlovich: Visual Arts 
  • Timothy Pitt: Visual Art 
  • John McKee: Visual Communication Design and Photography 
  • Amelia Lugg: Visual Arts and McKenzie Creek Art 
  • Nick Shirrefs: VCE Music 
  • Lauren Arnett: Instrumental Music 
  • Olivia Davey: VCE Theatre Studies 
  • Amy Anselmi: VCE Dance 
  • Emily Freidrichsen: Visual Arts 

Our VCE Creative Practice and Visual Communication Design students will be attending an excursion to the Ballarat Gallery next week. Students will be looking at Environmental and Communication Design and also Artworks and Art spaces for there current outcomes. 


We are looking forward to lots of fantastic works this year with our creative students.