Year 12 News

Campbell Pallot & Nick Rigas | Year 12 Coordinators

Horsham College Year 12 students and parents, welcome back to the final year of your secondary schooling.


It has been a great start to the year. The students have been most attentive, organised and supportive. Well done to all.


We have had two full year level assemblies to date. On Monday (first day), we welcomed the students and introduced them to the key staff and gave out general information such as diaries and their usage, HC expectations and future planning. We then broke up into homerooms where studentsreceived their timetables, SEQTA login details, diary, and locker prior to commencing classes in period 2. Polo tops were distributed at lunchtime. Such was the interest that we are planning a second (and final order) for these wonderful looking tops.


On Tuesday, the Year 12’s met in the auditorium. Mr. Pyers gave a presentation on expectations, meeting goals and establishing the support structures in place to support your student. Mr. Rigas outlined some key VCE information about what to do in the event of issues arising throughout the year. Mr. Berger introduced himself as the key contact person in the careers team (for VCE) and outlining the need to meet individual students early in the year for career support.


Overall, we would like to thank all of the students and staff for such a smooth entry into year 12 in 2023. With that, I would like to introduce to you our Year 12 team.


Our team this year consists of:


Leading teachers:

Millie Down (VCE)                                


Kellie Gardy (VCE VM) 



Cam Pallot                                     


Nick Rigas


Home Group teachers:

12A Dean Berger                       


12B Lyndon Kuhne


12C Rose Seers 


12D Campbell Pallot


12E Kristen Pfitzner


12F Sue Roberts (Monday) 


12F Brendan Williams (Thursday, Friday)


Further, for ensuring we are best able to support your child this year, keep in mind the following:


If your child is absent on any day or part-day, we request that you contact the school via the Absence Hotline 5381 7200,  SEQTA, email your child’s homeroom teacher or bring a signed note to give to the homeroom teacher.


At Horsham College there is an 80% attendance requirement for all VCE classes excepting approved absences.  That means a student needs to attend at least 80% of the classes in any one unit. That is why it is extremely important to get any absences approved ASAP using the above methods.


Looking forward to a fantastic year and working with you all to achieve the best outcomes for your child.