Principal's Report

Mr. Rob Pyers | Principal

Welcome Back - Welcome to 2023

On behalf of the Horsham College Staff and College Council I would like to welcome all of our students, parents and guardians, and members of the College Community to the start of the 2023 school year.  The staff began the year with two days preparing and getting ready for the year with the focus on continuing the implementation of the Horsham College Literacy and Numeracy Plans, implementation of our Horsham College Teaching Model - LEARN and preparing for the return of students.  The Staff also continued to work to implement our safe and secure learning environment strategy.   These strategies will continue to ensure that the education provided at the College is positive, proactive and ensures all students achieve success.


I would like in particular to welcome our Year 7’s and Year 12’s for what is their first and final years respectively at Horsham College.  I look forward to working with all of you to ensure you have a great 2023.


New Staff

The College has welcomed a number of new and returning staff for the 2023 school year.  The new staff are listed below:


Assistant Principal 7 & 8 – Mr Shannon Argall

Teaching Staff

• Ms Liz Stokes

• Ms Bec Cope

• Mr Steve Bruce

• Mr Lachlan Gillespie

• Mr Kyle Pinto

• Ms Isabella Healey

• Mr Josh Nguyen

• Ms Zoe Trezise

• Ms Nina Fletcher

• Ms Raquel Barrio

• Mr Hugh Kirne

• Mr Lewis Dacre

• Mr Bradie Thomas

• Ms Oliva Davey

• Mr Matt Hobbs


Education Support Staff

• Ms Lianna Itajahy

• Ms Kara Johnson

• Ms Dana Haughton

• Ms Tehya Clarke

• Ms Kate Lancaster


The large numbers of new staff for 2023 is because of the following:

o Six staff leaving for new schools

o Four staff on leave (maternity leave, leave without pay and long service leave)

o 7.5 staff for the new agreement which has seen a reduction in teacher face to face teaching time of two periods/100 minutes

o an increase in student numbers at the College and therefore an increase in overall staffing entitlement


We would also like to acknowledge staff returning to the College from leave in 2022:

• Mr Dan Garner

• Mr PJ Armstrong

• Ms Emily Friedrichsen


Education Support Staff

• Ms Hayley Janetzki

• Ms Tayla Winfield


In a challenging staffing environment, the College continues to be seen as a ‘go to’ work place and we are very fortunate to have our new staff join our Collegecommunity and I am sure I speak for all in wishing them the very best for their time at the College and supporting our students to develop their skills and readiness for the world that awaits them.


COVID Cases and Communication and RAT testing

The education system continues to adjust to a COVID normal environment.  We as always are committed to being open and transparent with our community regarding the policy and processes regarding how we manage COVID.


DET protocols will be provided in the newsletter and we would encourage families to ensure they understand the protocols around positive cases at school to contact the college with any questions.


Sub School Structure to reflect an evolving school

The College sub school structure for 2023 for student engagement and wellbeing is as below.  The College has four sub schools and the following staff lead each sub school with the support of two year level coordinators per year level.


Years 7 and 8

Assistant Principal: Mr Shannon Argall

Student Welfare Coordinator: Kara Johnson

Leading Teacher McKenzie Creek – Jess McAndrew

Year 7 Leading Teacher: Ms Susan McKenry

Year 7 Level Coordinators: Mr Cam Bruce and Mr Gareth Hose

Year 8 Leading Teacher: Mr Mark Block

Year 8 Level Coordinators: Mr Justin Chilver and Mr Sam Hoffmann


Years 9 and 10

Assistant Principal: Ms Louise Amor

Student Welfare Coordinator: Ms Cass Roberts

Year 9 Leading Teacher: Mr Liam Price

Year 9 Level Coordinators: Ms Jo Merryfull and Ms Maddy McQueen

Year 10 Leading Teacher: Ms Jaymi O’Connor

Year 10 Level Coordinators: Ms Brittany King & Ms Courtney Scherger



VCE Assistant Principal: Ms Melissa Twaddell

VCE VM Assistant Principal: Mr Liam Offer

Student Welfare Coordinator: Mr Hamish Roberts

Student Welfare (Dimboola Rd) – Ms Treena Hogan

Careers – VCE – Mr Dean Berger

Careers – VCE – VM – Mr Heath Schulz

LT VCE – Ms Millie Down

LT VCE VM – Ms Kellie Gardy

LT VCE VM – Ms Ranaye Johnstone

Year 11 Level Coordinators: Ms Ebony Tait & Mr Tim Pitt

Year 12 Level Coordinators: Mr Cam Pallot & Mr Nick Rigas  


The structure has been implemented to ensure we continue to work closely with students, parents/guardians and staff to achieve success.


VCE Results 2022

I would like to congratulate all of our Year 12’s from 2022 for their outstanding results as a cohort.  Horsham College was once again the highest performing large government secondary college (above 400 students) in regional Victoria and this result is a credit to the students, parents and guardians, and staff.  


The College had an average ATAR of 75 and an average study score of 32 across all subjects offered at the College.


My understanding following the first round of tertiary offers was that over 90% of our students received their first choice and that 100% of students seeking a tertiary pathway received an offer.  This is an outstanding result and something all should be proud of.  

Well done again to all involved.


Student Expectations

A key focus for the College in 2023 is to implement the revised Academic Expectations Policy.  This policy sets out the framework for expectations of students, staff and parents to ensure we are working together on our core business of education.  This strategy also includes the introduction of redemption classes for Years 7-10 and interim reports. The Teaching and Learning Team has worked to develop a strategy which has been based on parent, student and staff feedback and designed to support positive student outcomes.


I would encourage you ensure you understand this policy and what is expected – it is the framework for all students to have the opportunity to be successful at our school.


We have worked throughout 2022 to ensure this process is clear and transparent for students and for families and your feedback is critical.


Our key focus in Years 7-10 in 2023 will again be to focus on reading and writing.

We are currently reviewing our practice and students and parents will hear more about this in the coming weeks.



It has been great to see so many of our students in school uniform from the start of 2023.  Support for families requiring assistance is available via Year Level Coordinators, our welfare team and the Year Level Leading Teachers and Year Level Coordinators.


A reminder that College hats must be worn in Terms 1 and 4 and that the only approved puffer jackets are the Horsham College approved jackets, which are available from Earles.  

A number of new items will be introduced in 2023 based upon student and family feedback and we believe this will further add to the College profile.  


College Council Elections

The Horsham College Council is a fantastic group of people within our community who work together to ensure the College is meeting its requirements in regards department processes and achieving the outcomes which provide for student success.  The Council provides strategic support and guidance to the school leadership team and oversees governance issues across the College.


Nominations for the Horsham College Council will open shortly.  Being a part of the College Council is a fantastic way to be involved in the College and understand our processes and overall goals and targets.  I would encourage any members of our community who are interested in joining the Council to contact me.



The College Council and Leadership team is committed to ensuring we are working to meet the needs of our students, staff and the College Community.  Your feedback is critical in enabling us to do this.  I would encourage you at any stage if you have concerns, require clarification on issues or would like to discuss ways of improving the College, to contact the Administration Office to arrange an appointment to meet with me.