News of the Week

by Sass, Ella, Chris, Zak, Marcel, Tess & Sophie
Hello to all the parents, carers and friends of St Brigid's and welcome to the Public Relations Teams Newsletter for Term 4.
The year 5/6s have been doing lifesaving for the past week. They have really enjoyed it and can't wait to have their next lesson on Friday . The year level has learnt so much about lifesaving and water safety.
Maths problem -
This week Kayleigh and Rae have put a maths problem in the newsletter for you to solve. This has produced lots of discussion and debate!
The question is 6 divided by 2(1+2) . Good luck! If you think you know the answer can you email
We will tell you the answer in next week's newsletter
Bullying is trying to make a person scared of you or intimidate you. Bullying isn't always face to face there is also cyber bullying which is online where they might text you or say something to you in an online game. If you are ever bullied, always go straight to an adult whether it's a teacher or your parents.
Transition's starting!
It's almost the end of the school year so that means transitions are coming up! They will begin next week on Monday. Hopefully everybody gets people from their hand and that they are all happy with their class. (see Mrs Sullivan's News for more information)
Sporting Schools Victoria- Sophie Donnelly
This week Sophie Donnelly has participated in the regional final for Primary School Golf. Sophie has very exciting news, She came 3rd overall and got through to the next round, which is state finals!! We wish her very good luck and we all hope for the best!!
Interview with Sophie
What is your favourite part?
My favourite part was getting the prizes and just being able to play in general.
Was it hard?
It was a bit hard but in my opinion I played the best I could so I´m happy with it.
Where do you now have to travel?
The next round is on the other side of the city (Gisborne). That means I'll have to wake up at around 5:30 to be able to get ready and leave home.
Christmas Giving
This year there has been much discussion about the importance of giving rather than receiving as an act of service. This has been part of the focus during Mission Month and with Christmas fast approaching the students and staff would like to support the following
charities - St Vincent De Paul and Catholic Mission. This will involve the following:
St Vinnies Christmas Appeal
Next week is our St Vinnie’s Christmas Food Appeal. The local grouphave requested the following items but will gratefully accept any donations
- toiletries - soap / shampoo / conditioner / deodorants etc
- Christmas items - tin Hams / small puddings / nuts / christmas cake etc
Friday 2nd December will be a casual clothes day and we ask that students bring an item for the Christmas appeal.
Catholic Mission
In Ethiopia, food insecurity and malnutrition remain key issues today.
$117 can help to purchase one goat at the Dewberry Farm to provide nutritious milk for infants.
With more goats raised the right way, mothers will be able to provide milk which has all the right nutrients that a baby needs. This will help to prevent malnutrition and ensure babies will grow to be big, strong, and happy, and have the best chance in life.
Kris Kingle is a tradition that occurs in many places. In the past, students purchase a small gift ($5.00) for another student in their class or level. We will not be participating in this tradition this year.
Instead we ask that families support this initiative by donating $5.00 per family to raise the money for 5 goats. The extra money will be used to purchase toys for the families St Vincent de Paul is supporting for Christmas.
Transitions sessions
Next Monday we will have our first of three Year 1 - 6 transition sessions. This is the time where we put children in classes for next year. Please remember this is the first session and it may not be the class your child will be in and it may not be the teacher they will have. The first two sessions we mix the classes and the teachers. The final transition session on Thursday 15th December will be when they meet their teacher and new classmates. I will explain this to the children on Monday as well.
Save the Date - 9 December Christmas Carols at St Brigid's & Christmas Market
Yours in partnership
Wendy Sullivan