Notizie  Italiane

Buongiorno a tutti!


At last Monday’s assembly we presented the awards for Semester 2 - Complimenti to all winners!


In case you missed it in the last newsletter, here are the winners in each class for Semester Two:

  • Prep:   Waylon, Alaina, Alessia, Orla, Hugh
  • 1/2RB: Jason, Ellie, Henry, Jeremy, Veronica
  • 1/2L:   Maddison, Maicy, Ayla, Juliet, Ruby
  • 3/4A: Lucy, Libby, Tom, Blake, Sebastian
  • 3/4S: Claire, Jude, Harry, Noah D, Elizabeth
  • 5/6K: Sophie, Emily, Xavier, Ashton, Joe 
  • 5/6A: Jess, Mietta, Ellyse, Raf, Sarah, Zoe

Our amazing Italian leaders, Indi and Jacob, also received a certificate and gift for the outstanding job they have done. Throughout the year, they have demonstrated excellent skills in organisation and have been consistent and exemplary role models of the language, introducing the weekly word of the week to the school community and presenting ‘Bandi’, our Italian flag prize, to the class who used the target language the most. Ben fatto, Indi and Jacob!  You have contributed greatly to raising the profile of Italian within our school, grazie mille! We wish you continued growth and success in your language studies as you move into secondary school. 


We are also very excited to welcome our new 2023 Italian Leaders, Sophie and Ellyse, to their roles. You both have great skills as developing speakers of the Italian language and we know you will be fabulous leaders! We are looking forward to working with you next year.


Well done to all students at OLHC for their contribution to the Italian program this year. It has been a wonderful year of learning for us all! 


Tanti auguri di buone feste!


Signora Chesterman and Signorina Liv