
Wow! Three special years in the role of Student Wellbeing and Learning Diversity Leader. What a privilege it has been working closely with so many sensational families, wonderful children and amazing staff. Two of these years were Covid years, where we all learned to navigate the new rules of life together. And we did it!


It is with much sadness that I leave these roles at the end of 2022 yet I am delighted to be teaching 1/2CH in 2023. Thank you to all of the families I have worked closely with over this time during PSG meetings, playground chats, emails, phone conversations and so much more. I have valued this opportunity as a truly special part of my many years of teaching.


I will continue to wonder how the children are developing with their learning and social goals. I will continue to ask after their wellbeing. I will continue to care about all the families at OLHC. I will continue to do yard duty in my precious fluorescent pink duty jacket adorned with flowers and a few more obscure attachments, made by many children from Prep-6! 

This is a precious memory of the children and the events that have taken place and gone into creating this jacket, which I proudly wear. Please enjoy the photos below of the Wellbeing leaders modelling my special jacket.



If you think this fluoro creation is special, please have a look at the photo of me wearing the latest in yard duty jackets - a creation totally made of cockatoo feathers! But wait, there’s more - a skirt, t-shirt, headpiece and handbag to match. The clever parent who made this is taking orders in 2023!


Thank you to the amazing Wellbeing Leaders of 2022. Eloise, Kai, Raf and Emily have been outstanding in their roles. Their humour, commitment to meetings, fundraising and the responsible way they have attended to activities has been impressive, even if they sometimes decided to hide from me under the meeting table. At least they were there listening!



A huge thank you also to the SWELL Art team  - Jen, Faith and Danette. Their commitment to supporting children’s learning through the Visual Arts, with a focus on the children’s wellbeing, has been phenomenal. Every family should have a beautiful clay mobile in their home made during SWELL Art, supported by this creative team. The final SWELL Art project for the 2022 year is a series of seven colourful clay bollards with a piece designed and painted by every child at OLHC. This amazing artwork will adorn the playground for many years to come. You can view this art installation outside the Community Centre. Congratulations Jen, Danette and Faith - a great legacy to be gifted to us, as your children leave OLHC.


This is my final newsletter so I leave you with this thought:


One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can’t change.


My best wishes for a special family Christmas and a truly relaxing holiday.




Learning Diversity & Wellbeing Leader