College Information

Official DSC Facebook page

Mobile Phone Policy

Students and families are reminded that mobile phones are not to be seen or heard between 8.30 am to 3.30 pm. This is a government mandate that is designed to help students maximise their learning whilst at school.

Research has found the unregulated presence of mobile phones in school can undermine students’ capacity to think, learn, remember, pay attention and regulate emotions. It is with this in mind that staff at DSC follow up instances of mobile phone use during school hours by asking students to take their phone to their sub-school for safekeeping until the end of the day. When this occurs students may be issued with lunchtime detention, and parents are called when students repeatedly misuse their phone during school hours.


Families are asked to speak with their children about this and encourage them to keep their phone in their locker with a secure lock for the duration of the school day.


Students are reminded that earphones/earbuds are also not permitted during school hours. Students will be asked to take them to their sub-school for safekeeping if they are seen using them.


Ty Dennis

Head of Senior School

Breakfast Club - New Location

Breakfast and Games every Friday during the school term from 7.45 - 9.00 am.

The Breakfast Club has relocated to the Library. All students are invited to join Jeff, Alison, Ms Katie Mills and the library staff for some early morning brekkie before school.

The Learning Relationship - Parents, Teachers and the College

Parents and carers of Year 7-9 students are warmly invited to attend an information evening on Monday, 26 April at 6.30 pm at the College.


The 'Learning Relationship - Parents, Teachers and the College' presentation will focus on sharing expectations about attendance, support and actions that build and strengthen the relationship between home and school. The stronger this relationship the greater the learning for your child.


Please keep in mind that places are limited and you will need to book tickets via Compasstix.


For further information, please call the school on 98484677 and ask for Gina Carroll or Meri Chiappa.

Webinar about ESafety's Guide to Parental Controls 

The Office of the eSafety Commissioner's expert education and training team are running a number of live webinars discussing practical tips, demonstrations and advice for parents and carers to help keep young people safer online.


Registrations for the webinar are available at: