Library News

Join us in the MFG Library!!!
Library hours are Monday to Friday 8.15 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.
We are open during recess and at lunch from 1 p.m. for reading and studying.
Library staff are Mrs Robyn Kimpton (Library Assistant and Learning Mentor) and Miss Marshall (Librarian and Archives Manager).
Please come in to see us and to borrow some books and magazines, get help with printing and photocopying, suggest new books to buy and join in many of our MFG lunchtime clubs. The 2020 Year books / photos are being distributed from here too so come in to pick them up please if you've ordered them.
The Library is a good central quiet spot to complete homework in and the I.T. Office and Pathways Office is in here too so it's quite a hub!
***Remember that you can borrow 3 library books for 2 weeks at a time and renew them for more time. Overdues are posted out via email every Monday during Term time. Please treat the books respectfully and alert staff if you think you've lost a book. See you soon for 'Holiday borrowing'!
Year 7 Holiday Reading Competition based on the book Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt.
Many students have read this book and wondered about the characters in it (and how they handled their individual dilemmas after the book finished). We thought it would be fun to run a Fan Fiction competition and invite students to write a 'spin off' about their favourite character in 300 words - what happened next?
Posters are in the library with further details or see Miss Marshall.
If you haven't read this book - we recommend that you do (borrow from the library) or try listening to the audio book available via Compass > Teaching and Learning > School Resources > Library
Entries can be sent to Miss Marshall by 3pm 23/4 (Friday week 1 term 2) - see Compass
1 Dymocks voucher will be awarded per year 7 class and all entries bound for sharing (let me know when you enter the competition if you don't want your work published for sharing). Entering is completely optional :)
Starting Term 2 - Weekly Literature Competition
During Book Week we always run a weekly Literature quiz with a prize drawn every Friday. We had so many students asking if we can do more of this - so the Popular Fiction questions will be put out on the Library Competition Board every Monday, the entry box is there too and Lucky Dip prizes will be drawn every Friday morning - all winners notified on Compass to come and choose their prize from the big bowl of wrapped goodies. See the new competition board in the library for details and the weekly question - good luck everyone.
Please visit Geelong Regional Library branches over the holiday and keep reading and joining in. The Geelong Library is a vital link for people from all walks of life and all ages!!! Click below to see more.