Parish Masses & Sacramental updates


Dear Families our Sacramental program for 2021 is officially started.  Enrolments are closed.   I thank everyone who attended a Commitment mass over the last two weekends.  It is  always beautiful to see the children at Mass.


After this email, I hope to only send one a week and it should be on the Wednesday of each week.  So please  look out for the weekly update and take the time to read them as they will tell you where we are up to.


Today marks the beginning of Week One for the preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.   Parents are asked to please read the aims at the beginning of Week one in the purple Steps in Faith Workbook.  Then together with your child you are to complete the first week at home.   The songs can be accessed via google.  It should take approximately 30 minutes to complete the session.  We like to acknowledge the children’s work  so all the workbooks will be collected from the Children at our next Commitment Mass – please  encourage your children to take their time to finish the activities.  


·         If you do not have a purple Steps In Faith Workbook for your child you will need to come and pick one up from the parish office.  Office Hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 2pm.


·         If you feel that your family would like some help with completing the first two weeks in the purple workbook at home please let me know before this Wednesday via email.


I think that is it from me.   If you have any questions or concerns please contact me via email or by calling the parish office on Wednesday’s between 9am and 2pm. 


May our Lord bless  and guide you all as your begin this faith journey with your children.


Sincerely  Laura.



St. Brendan's Alpha Program 

Dear parents and families of students at St Brendan's, you are invited to enjoy a lovely meal and watch a DVD and share in a discussion about the topic watched.  


It is a free program and we would love to see as many people join us for this special program.  Please download the invitation and fill in if you are interested.




Thank you, Sister Agnus Murphy (St Brendan's Mercy Sister)



Catholic Education celebrating 200 Years

The Theme for the 200th year of Catholic Education in Australia is

 ‘Faith in the future’


This year all Catholic schools across Australia will be called to remember the beginning of Catholic Education in Australia.  Throughout the year all students across all year levels will participate in engaging and creative learning tasks that will help them learn about our Catholic Education history.  More updates to follow.







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