A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
Anzac Day
On Sunday, 25th April, we attended the 11am Service at the War Memorial at Welsford Street. It was a beautiful service and well attended by many families, including families from St. Brendan's.
Many thanks to Xavier Waters and Sophia Saracino that represented our School by laying a wreath. They were very respectful and we are grateful for their attendance.
Sacramental Commitment Mass
The last two Sunday's, students attended St. Brendan's Parish Masses for their Sacramental Commitment Mass, and on Tuesday, 27th April there was a large gathering of parents at St. Brendan's Church for the Adult Faith Formation Night.
I would like to thank Leanne Pellegrino (Catholic Identity Leader) and Dave Maskell for their attendance at this night.
Please keep all these students in your prayers as they prepare for Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.
Catholic Education Week
This week is very special, being Catholic Education Week. We are also celebrating 200 Years of Catholic Education in Australia.
Our students began this week with a focus on Catholic Education Week. Leanne Pellegrino has organised a heart shape for all children, where they will draw or write why they like being at a Catholic School.
This week's Assembly will be streamed through the classrooms.
Year 6 Leadership Badge Presentation
On Monday, 10th May at 9.15am in the School Hall, we will have a special Assembly for our Year 6 students. Students can invite two people to attend as we present their Leadership Badges. The Assembly will be streamed to the Classrooms via Google Meet.
As it has started to get colder, we will organise a different Learning and Teaching Unit each week to run Assembly. Parents of these Year levels will be invited to attend. Due to spaces, we can't have a whole School Assembly with parents in the Hall.
Naplan - Year 3 and Year 5
Next Tuesday 11th May, Naplan will be undertaken online with students in Year 3 and in Year 5.
- Tuesday, 11th May: Writing will be undertaken at 9.15am by Year 3 and Year 5. Year 3 will use pencil and paper for their writing and Year 5 will be done online.
- Wednesday, 12th May: Reading tests will be undertaken at 9.15am and Language Conventions at 12.05pm.
- Tuesday, 13th May: Year 3 and Year 5 will complete their Naplan with Numeracy.
We ask that children arrive at School on time as children will move to their designated areas to begin the testing. Year 4 and Year 6 students will be using other facilities, such as Specialist Areas, Cross age sessions and Sport.
As per our Parent Information Booklet and on our School Website, our Winter Uniform is now the uniform children should be wearing to school.
Boys wear long grey pants (not grey shorts) and children all wear their green tracksuit pants over their black shorts for sport.
Please ensure children have their names on jumpers and pants, as we have already found jumpers left outside with no names on them.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Cross Country
Well done for all our students that participated in the Cross Country yesterday. Teachers were impressed with their efforts, persistence and behaviour.
The 12/13 Year old Red boys group won a flag for 'Section Winner'.
The boys were: James Freeman, Alex Walsh, Alex Jeffery, Sahib Sangha, Lincoln Ralph and Connor Francis.
The following students will be invited to the Division Cross Country on Friday, 14th May:
Girls 9/10 Years
Gracie Sinclair
Boys 11 Years
Mitchell Mann
Deng Kuol
Ashton Lane
Girls 11 Years
Hannah Radevski
Claudia Loverso
Boys 12/13 Years
Archie Lancaster
Girls 12/13
Joslin Jo
Lara Magill
Many thanks to Josh Wild (PE) for all his organisation for this event.
Mother's Day Stall
Many thanks to our wonderful Mother's for all their work in organising the Mother's Day Stall. The on-line orders were very popular.
Special thanks to Ronnyne Magill and Belinda Riseley for all their work and organisation.
Thanks to Kylie Kellett for all her work on the succulents, and all our mothers who helped on the various days, it was much appreciated.
To all our Mother's, have a wonderful Mother's Day. You certainly deserve it!
"Caring, Thoughtful, Loving, Warmhearted, Kind and sharing...
You make the world a nicer place
just by being you".
~ Happy Mother's Day ~
Kind regards,
Paula Stevenson (Principal)