Teaching & Learning 1T

Term 2 has been a very busy one for us and we have investigated many topics. I am very proud of the efforts and progress of all students and look forward to the rest of the year and what that may bring. Below are some of the things we have been up to.



We have been learning about recycling, notably the 3R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) and what role we can play in helping our environment. The recycling process was also investigated.



To complement the Year One inquiry topic ‘How transport affects us and the environment’, we had lots of completing a range of science and technology activities about how different forms of transport work. Our activities included; making paper planes, floating boats, energy and cars, and making parachutes.



In celebrating our Indigenous heritage, we read some wonderful literature and created some amazing art work! Some examples can be seen below.



We have begun preparations for our Term 3 musical. It will be amazing and we can’t wait! No spoilers will be given but be ready for upcoming information.