Numeracy Report


Books to help your child develop mathematical skills

Storybooks provide a rich opportunity to build not only literacy skills, but also mathematics understanding. Books with mathematics concepts woven into the pictures and storylines can promote children's mathematical thinking and introduce foundational math concepts such as numbers, shapes, patterns, and measurement. Asking questions and making observations about the mathematical concepts found in picture books can support children’s curiosity and enjoyment of mathematics.

Like many engaging pieces of children’s literature, the math picture books recommended below contain fun and interesting storylines. Many are rooted in topics kids love (like animals, dinosaurs, magic, oceans, and more!).







For example, Quack and Count by Keith Baker is about seven ducklings quacking, sliding, and flying  in marshland. Throughout the beautifully illustrated story, the seven ducklings form different groups that can be added and always make seven. While reading, children can explore counting and addition as they practice counting a group of ducks that are not always neatly in a row and in fact may be hard to see—a challenging but enjoyable task. 

The most important rule to keep in mind when selecting and reading a math picture book is to enjoy the stories and enjoy the children enjoying the stories! Read often, smile, and laugh.  (taken from Colleen Uscianowski and Herbert P Ginsberg)


Books about numbers and counting 

Counting on Community – Innosanto Nagara 

Counting with Tiny Cat – Viviane Schwarz. Walker Books 

Five Little Ducks – Penny Ives. 

One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab – April Pulley Sayre and Jeff Sayre, illustrator Randy Cecil. 

One Woolly Wombat – Kerry Argent. 

Ten Black Dots – Donald Crews. Scholastic Australia 

Ten Little Dinosaurs – Mike Brownlow, illustrator Simon Rickerty. 

Ten Little Jarjum – Tabulam Aboriginal Community members, 

editors Suzi Williams and Kate Merrifield. NSW Board of Studies 

Ten Scared Fish – Ros Moriarty, illustrator Balarinji. Allen and Unwin 






Kind regards, 

Jennifer O’Connor

Assistant Principal