Australian Ballet

Outreach Program 

During the first two weeks of this term, approximately 120 students across three campuses participated in the Australian Ballet Education and Outreach program. 

Students from year 7-12 were involved. The program is funded by The Fairley Foundation, enabling access to our students at no cost. This is the sixth year of this incredible partnership with our school. 

Participants developed new technical skills, developed their own choreography, learnt choreography and worked together to create a dance piece based on the famous story of Romeo and Juliet. Our students performed their pieces in a showcase and then watched the Australian Ballet team perform. 

It was a wonderful opportunity for many of our students and an opportunity to build upon skills being developed in the classroom for our dance students. Congratulations to all students who were involved. Thank you to the Australian Ballet team, Chantelle, Riley, Alex and James, for all of their efforts with our students. 


Kyla McGregor


Dance Teacher