Open Day 2021

Well done to our Year 6 Leadership team students who conducted guided tours, sharing information and speaking with pride about our St. Brendan’s learning community, showcasing our school facilities and resources.
The students were very engaged in our learning spaces, and many thanks to teachers and staff for ensuring our classrooms and outdoor facilities displayed our learning and teaching programs in action.
Enrolments are now open for 2022 and Enrolment packs are available from our office.
Pictured above are:
Back Row: Kobe Kellett, Lara Magill, Riak Riak, Xavier Waters, Tate Bordett and
Charlotte Stevens.
Middle Row: Sophia Saracino, Isabelle Kenny, Mohamad Alsakir and Arnold Jogey.
Front Row: Annabelle Ralston, Maecy Tayag, Jessica Lee and Archie Lancaster.