Year 6 Leadership Badge Presentation

On Monday, our Year 6 Student Leaders were presented with their Leadership Badges by our Principal, Paula Stevenson. Parents and families attended this special occasion.
The celebrations commenced with a 'Welcome to Country' and a special prayer with a focus on caring for our students and inspiring qualities of Leadership, organised by our Catholic Identity Leader, Mrs Leanne Pellegrino.
The Senior Years teachers facilitating the Leadership teams, introduced the students in their groups, and provided information describing the goals and activities of each team.
Our Year 6 Leadership Teams are:
Catholic Identity - Lead by Mrs Leanne Pellegrino
Information, Communication and Technology - Lead by Mr David Maskell
Kinship of the Earth Sustainability - Lead by Mr Nick Iorianni
Health and Wellbeing - Lead by Mr Callum Thompson and Mr Josh Wild
Well done to our Year 6 student Leaders, and may they be given many opportunities to display their Leadership skills in our School community during the year.