Parish Masses & Sacramental updates

Preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation is now complete!
Thank you to all the families that attended their allocated workshop this week. The following information is about how your child will celebrate this beautiful sacrament of healing.
Family members are encouraged to also attend Reconciliation and any non-Catholic parent can ask the Priest for a blessing.
· You have a CHOICE of bringing your child to Reconciliation on either this Saturday, 22nd May or the following Saturday, 29th May. You do not need to book with Laura O'Sullivan at the Parish Office, just arrive on the Saturday of your choice.
· You must bring your child BETWEEN 9.30am and 10.30am.
· Please enter through the MAIN ENTRANCE/FRONT OF THE CHURCH. Laura O'Sullivanwill be in the Narthex and it is very important that your child’s name is ticked off.
· Laura O'Sullivan will direct families as to where to sit. When it is your child’s turn parent/s are to take their child to the priest and introduce them. Parent/s then return to a spot in the church and wait. When your child is finished with the Priest – encourage them to say their prayers. After this you may leave quietly through the main entrance of the church. Generally it will take about 10 minutes but this will depend on the number of families waiting.
· Please remember to be quiet, reverent and respectful while you are in the church.
· This Saturday, 22nd May – we will have a number of Priests to help with Reconciliation. If you are unable to come before 10.30am but can make it before 11am please let Laura know via email by this Friday.
Email address:
· Please do not arrive before 9.20am as there is Mass in the Church and we will not be able to start before 9.30am.
· Please encourage your children to learn the Prayer of Sorrow on page 28 of the purple workbook. Also explain to your children that they do not need to be anxious or nervous. If they forget what they have to do or say the priest will guide them.
· Attached is a handout with some helpful ideas to help you prepare your Child.
I look forward to seeing you all over the next two Saturday mornings.
Laura O'Sullivan
St. Brendan’s Parish Sacramental Coordinator
Ways to prepare for and celebrate your child’s
First Reconciliation
Your child will be celebrating Reconciliation in the first form, see purple work book - Page 26.
Talk about it. In the lead up to your child’s First Reconciliation use your family meal time to talk about God’s mercy and love. Talk about people you know who are very forgiving and compassionate.
Share a time with your child when you needed forgiveness.
Set an example. Go to Reconciliation yourself. If you are a non-Catholic parent, go forward for a blessing from the priest.
Pray. Together with your child read the Examination of Conscience for Children below.
Responsibilities to God:
Have I prayed every day?
Have I prayed my morning prayers and night prayers?
Have I prayed with my parents and family?
Have I been moody and rebellious about praying and going to church on Sunday?
Have I asked the Holy Spirit to help me whenever I have been tempted to sin?
Have I asked the Holy Spirit to help me do what is right?
Responsibilities to others:
Have I been obedient and respectful to my parents?
Have I lied or been deceitful to them or to others?
Have I been arrogant, stubborn or rebellious?
Have I talked back to parents, teachers or other adults?
Have I pouted and been moody?
Have I been selfish toward my parents, brothers, and sisters, teachers, or my friends and schoolmates?
Have I gotten angry at them?
Have I hit anyone?
Have I held grudges or not forgiven others?
Have I treated other children with respect or have I made fun of them and called them names?
Have I used bad language?
Have I stolen anything?
Have I returned it?
Have I performed my responsibilities, such as homework and household chores?
Have I been helpful and affectionate toward my family?
Have I been kind and generous with my friends?
Copyright, Fr. Thomas Weinandy. This resource may be reproduced and distributed free of charge by permission of the author.
St. Brendan's Alpha Program
Dear parents and families of students at St Brendan's, you are invited to enjoy a lovely meal and watch a DVD and share in a discussion about the topic watched.
It is a free program and we would love to see as many people join us for this special program. Please download the invitation and fill in if you are interested.
Thank you, Sister Agnus Murphy (St Brendan's Mercy Sister)
Catholic Education celebrating 200 Years
The Theme for the 200th year of Catholic Education in Australia is
‘Faith in the future’
This year all Catholic schools across Australia will be called to remember the beginning of Catholic Education in Australia. Throughout the year all students across all year levels will participate in engaging and creative learning tasks that will help them learn about our Catholic Education history. More updates to follow.