A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
The Last few weeks have been very busy at school, with a variety of programs and activities.
Year 3 and Year 5 students participated in Naplan from 11th to 13th May; completing Writing (Paper and Pen for Year 3 and Online for Year 5). Reading, Language Conventions and Numeracy for Year 3 and Year 5 were all done online.
Many thanks to David Maskell for all his organisation in preparing all the laptops and supervising the children and supporting teachers.
Thanks to teachers in Year 3-6 for all their supervision and organising Year 4 and Year 6 students with other learning activities and learning spaces.
Year 6 Student Leadership - Special Assembly
On Monday, 10th May our Year 6 students had a Special Assembly to receive their Leadership Badges.
We have four teams:
- Catholic Identity
- Kinship of the Earth Sustainability
- Health and Wellbeing
- Information, Communication and Technology
Students have a time each week with their group and teacher to work on projects and ideas.
The students in Catholic Identity have assisted in fundraising events for Caritas, spoken at Assembly and organised the Solidarity Walk.
The Health and Wellbeing Team have organised different activities at lunchtime and have umpired these events.
The Kinship of the Earth Sustainability Team have looked at ways we can look after our school yard and have organised the bins, rubbish etc.
The Information, Communication and Technology team have worked with all Juniors in supporting them with Technology.
Open Day
Our Open Day, held on Tuesday, 18th May was very successful with three different session times being well attended by parents and potential students during the day.
Our Year 6 students were very competent, and parents commented on how well informed they were speaking about our Schools Programs and Facilities.
Many thanks to our students for being such great Tour Guides.
Winter Sports for Senior Students
Tomorrow we have Winter Sports for our Senior students in Netball, Soccer and Football.
The Netball and Soccer will be held at McEwen Reserve and the Football will be held at the John Gray Oval in Mooroopna.
We wish all of our students good luck for the day.
Pupil Free Day
Next Friday, 28th May is a Pupil Free Day as per our Calendar, on the Newsletter and on the School App.
We will be having our external Educational Consultant, Andrea Hillbrick working with us on our Learning Model for Reading and Writing.
Kind regards,
Paula Stevenson (Principal)