
30 Week Italian Challenge
As a whole school community, each class is attempting to incorporate a range of simple Italian Language , games and activities with The 30 Week Italian Challenge.
We encourage families to explore the different challenges at home.
Week 3
Playing one Brain Break game in Italian eg Buzz – 1-10
Number 1: uno Pronounced: Oo-noh
Number 2: due Pronounced: Do-eh
Number 3: tre Pronounced: Te-reh
Number 4: quattro Pronounced: kwat-roh
Number 5: cinque Pronounced: sing-kwe
Number 6: sei Pronounced: sey
Number 7: sette Pronounced: set-tey
Number 8: otto Pronounced: ot-toh
Number 9: nove Pronounced: noh-veh
Number 10: dieci Pronounced: dee-echi
- 11’s game / giocare
- Guess the number
Pui alto – higher
Pui basso – lower
- Song : Head, shoulders /Testa, spalla etc
Week 4
Bring an Italian meal/snack for lunch …
Pizza , Salami sandwich , Pasta (Keep a class tally and see who has the most Italian inspired meals / snack )
Name | Food | Total |
John Doe | pizza | 6 |
Sam smith | lasagna | 7 |
Reference : ‘Mangia, Mangia’
Story Link:
Piatto preferito - Favourite dish
Week 5 and 6 of Italian Challenge
Label items around your classroom in Italian, eg Tables, Scissors, Books etc
Tavolo , libro inglese , forbici, pena , colla , sedia, porta etc.
Scissors - forbici
glue - colla
table - tavolo
chair - sedia
porta- door
window- finestra
workbook- libra di lavoro
reader- leggere
lunch- Mangia
Colours . Label all the coloured items in your room .
Play colour games
Blue- Blu
Orange- arancione
Yellow- giallo
Red- rosso
Pink- rosa
Green- verde
Brown- marone
Black - nera
White - bianca
Colour Poster:
Grazie Sen. Mamone - Language Specialist