Wellbeing News


The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) is a process that all schools must do every year. It counts the number of students who receive extra adjustments or ‘help’ at school because of a disability.

Both Federal and State governments have indicated that the NCCD will now be used to inform funding. From 2019 onwards, schools will receive funding based on students counted in the NCCD at supplementary, substantial and extensive adjustments levels. 

Please read the flyer from CECV for a more detailed explanation.

Being Kind To Ourselves … and others.

This week we are back to one week ( hopefully ) of Remote Learning and Lockdown. Attached is an article from Berry St indicating the importance of looking after ourselves (the adults) in order to be able to look after children effectively. It provides 4 easy steps to help you be kind to yourself. Remember to keep things SIMPLE this week, and take it one day at a time. 

Please  reach out to our school Wellbeing Team if you are experiencing any difficulties as a family. Sue, Monique and Kristie can be contacted via email or on the school phone number if you require support.  


Sue, Monique and Kristy

Wellbeing Team







Parents and carers: be kind to yourself

This an unpredictable and uncertain time for everyone. With schools closing many parents and carers are wondering how they are going to cope for long periods at home with the children and young people in their care.

It’s the same as what they tell you on planes. You need to put on your own oxygen mask before you can help others. It’s a huge struggle to care for children if we neglect to look after ourselves. While you may think: ‘easier said than done’ – it really does make a difference.

Here are 4 steps you can follow to help you be kind to yourself.

1. Regulate

Stay calm when you are feeling emotionally out-of-sorts.

Think about what helps you to be calm and healthy. Can you build some of these things into your day? They might be quick things like sitting down for breakfast each morning, or longer things like watching a show you like after the kids are in bed. A regular household routine helps.

Some examples of things that are known to make us feel better are: getting outside and taking a walk or doing some other exercise, having a regular cuppa and snack break, watering pot plants, doing a crossword puzzle, ringing a friend, listening to music (and singing along), cooking, day dreaming, playing with a pet or sharing some silly messages and other fun things on social media.

If you build these activities into your day in a planned way, it gives you a break from monotonous tasks and provides something to look forward to. Even a few minutes of something pleasurable, a few times a day, can help build your tolerance for the challenging situation you’re in.

2. Relate

Connect with another person to feel better.

One of the most effective ways to look after ourselves is to connect with other adults. So, reach out to others however you can – by phone, social media or video calls (FaceTime, WhatsApp, Skype etc.).

Share your ideas and questions about how you can support and manage the kids in these new circumstances. Talk about how you can look after yourself and each other. If you have a worker who supports your family, don’t be afraid to let them know when you’re struggling – just talking it through can be reassuring. No-one expects you to breeze through this situation without some tough times.

3. Reason

Use logical thinking.

It’s helpful to limit the time you expose yourself to news and current events. We need to stay informed, but it is important to avoid becoming overloaded and overwhelmed by negative news.

Acknowledge your feelings and adjust your expectations, it’s OK to not have all the answers. If you are feeling particularly worried or anxious try and stop what you’re doing. Go to another room (even to the bathroom) and take some deep breaths. If possible, now is the time do something to regulate yourself.

Understand that the kids living with you will be looking to you to see how you’re coping. If you show them that you’re staying calm, they will be more likely to mirror that approach.

If your kids normally go to school, you can’t recreate school and be a perfect teacher. But you can do fun activities with your kids that will help them learn. Contact your kids’ school for guidance and reassurance if needed. ABC Education has a great website with resources for primary and secondary school children

4. Remember

Looking after yourself is not a luxury – it’s essential.

By looking after yourself you’re staying healthy and well – so you can have a better time with the kids.

Be kind to yourself and do the best you can. You might need to take it hour-by-hour, but this period of isolation is only temporary and will end. And every day is a new day.