From the Principal

Ms Noelene Hussey

Dear Families,


I would like to thank you for your support and understanding during this period of remote learning. COVID - 19 continues to test us and I never thought we would still be dealing with it when we first went into lockdown at the beginning of 2020. 

When the announcement was made by James Merlino that we would be going into a fourth lockdown I am sure you felt like me - ‘not again’. The feeling of being on high alert knowing that we are only a positive test, a hug or a cough from going into lockdown for a longer period of time is overwhelming. Therefore, we need to stay strong and encourage one another, especially our children, to ‘stay the course’, even though they are missing out on seeing their classmates, participating in their out of school activities or visiting their extended family. I know that this is an ongoing challenge for all parents 

I understand that it can be difficult assisting your children at home but a reminder that you only do what you can do. If your children are not able to complete any work please contact your class teacher. 


After today's announcement that the lockdown is extended for another week, I am creating a video which will be sent out soon, with more information.


Last week we had several children represent St Anne’s at the Divisional Cross Country Championships. Congratulations to Charlie D, Oliver R, Ava L, Linda O , Luke H, Stjepan R and Hamish M who will be representing our school at the Regional Championships later this term.








Our children had a great experience celebrating Japanese Day. They participated in many fun activities including Shodo Calligraphy, Origami, Kendama and Pokemon. Thank you to Sarah Cornall for organising this special day for our children.






 God Bless,






Ms Noelene Hussey