Diversity/Student Services

OZ CHILD - shine assist

OzChild ~ Shine Assist services are now available at St Peter’s Primary School. Shine Assist connects families and schools with medical practitioners to address the psychological and emotional well-being of primary and secondary students across Victoria.

If a student is experiencing difficulties such as depression, anxiety, bullying, trauma, anger, attention deficit disorder or bereavement, and meets the eligibility requirements of Medicare’s Better Access Initiative, they may be helped by a Shine Assist psychological counsellor.


Shine Assist is accessed by a referral from a general practitioner, paediatrician or psychiatrist and students may be eligible for up to ten individual sessions and ten group sessions per calendar year.  There is no gap fee charged for Shine Assist counselling, so there is no cost to the student, their families or the school.


The sessions will take place during school time and depending on the needs of the child, these could be weekly, fortnightly, monthly.


If you have any further concerns or need more details please contact me on 9544 3032 or email me natasha.franchina@spclayton.catholic.edu.au 


Please note: due to COVID-19 the method of delivery for this service is via teleconsult. Teleconsult is a Telehealth platform created by the program which is completely safe and follows the recommended Australian privacy standards.


A CareMonkey eform was sent home regarding interest in accessing this service a few weeks ago, so please make sure you read and respond as appropriate.

Kind regards,


Natasha Franchina

(Learning Diversity Leader)