Staying Safe in an Online Learning Space: Year 2 - Year 6

Acceptable use of Technology: 

Years 2 - 6  Digital Technologies Acceptable Use Agreement 2020

Dear Families,

This is an important reminder that while students are learning from home we remember our responsibilities regarding acceptable use of technology.

We request you read this Policy to refresh your understanding of our expectations regarding  on-line learning, particularly during the current climate.


Acceptable use of technology

Years 2 - 6  Digital Technologies Acceptable Use Agreement 2020


As part of the teaching and learning at St Peter’s Primary School we will be using a range of digital technologies. These digital technologies enhance communication and collaboration, both inside and outside the classroom. These also allow students to work on files from any Internet accessible device and easily share work with their teachers and other students. 


Students at St Peter’s  will have access to and may use:

Gmail - email service

Google Drive – a cloud-based drive in which files can be saved.

Google Documents - a word processing, spreadsheet, drawing, and presentation toolset that is very similar to Microsoft Office.

Google Classroom - learning management system

Google Sites - an individual and collaborative website creation tool. Using these tools, students collaboratively create, edit and share files and websites for school related project.

Seesaw – online digital learning portfolio

Educational apps


This Acceptable Use Agreement ensures that students are safe, responsible and respectful when using the above applications and digital technologies.


When using digital technologies, I need to remember to show respect for myself, respect for others and respect for the device and world. 


When I use the school technologies, internet and school network I will:

only visit websites for educational purposes

only use digital technologies with the permission of a teacher

immediately notify a trusted adult (teacher or parent) if I view or receive anything that makes me feel uncomfortable, for example, an email message or website

report any malfunctions or issues to the teacher 

ensure that I leave digital technologies in a safe and secure place when not in use

ensure that there is no liquid or food near the school technologies 

not share my password with anyone apart from my teacher and parent

use my school email account for only school purposes

only download, install software or subscribe to websites that has been approved by my teacher

keep my personal information private and not upload any details including my address, full name with pictures or the school that I go to

ensure that I follow copyright rules when using information, images, music etc. on the internet

seek permission from individuals before taking photos, recording sound or videoing 

ensure that passwords and settings are not changed on school technologies without teacher permission


All classroom teachers, the Digital Education Leader and Principal have access to viewing student emails, browsing history and online use. 


If I do not follow the Acceptable Use Agreement:

The classroom teacher will notify the Digital Education Leader and Principal. 

There will be a withdrawal of technology use for a period of time.

Parents will be notified.