Important Dates, Reminders and Announcements

Dates for your Diaries 2020



14th April - 26th June

Sunday 10th~ Mother's Day

~ Friday 26th ~ 

Last day of Term 2: Students finish 3:25 pm 

School Drop Off and Pick Up During Covid 19

For those parents who have had to leave their children at the school for remote learning, we request that at the beginning and end of the school day children walk in and out of the office area independently. Staff will help manage students at the end of the day to leave via the front school ramp. Do not enter the school premises for collection.


2020 Term Dates for students


(Dates are subject to alteration)

Term 2  14th April - 26th June

Term 3  13th July - 18th Sept

Term 4   5th Oct - 17th Dec