Sport & Physical Eduation

ONLINE PHYSICAL EDUCATION - Check out the action across the school


“I’ve been doing my ball skills.  We also did a 5km ride on my scooter.  I enjoyed it.” - Mitchell  - Grade 3


Ella P - Grade 3



“Some of these were really tricky!  The trickiest one was when I had to throw it over my shoulder and catch the ball.”  - Maddy – Grade 5


“I did activities 1-8, my record for clapping then catching and bouncing then catching is 4 claps.  I didn’t throw very high through.  I also played Ping Pong with my Mum.” - Alexa – Grade 6




Bella - Grade 5 - Ball Skills








“Thanks Mrs Pumpa.  We have been doing circuits and lots of outdoor activities when it’s not raining.”

Pippa K - Grade 2




“Is it ok to do family exercise instead of this?  We have been taking my bike or my scooter and going for rides and walking my dog.  Sometimes we go in my Mum’s gym in our garage and do sessions there too.”

Tiana - Grade 2


“My Mum made the fitness circuit and I did it every day.” - Layla – Grade 3


Nathan - Grade 4 - Fitness Circuit results         



“This assignment was awesome.  I loved it. Thank you very much!  I also got Mum outside too!” - Phoebe - Grade 6


Sanne - Grade 6 - Fitness Circuit with her sisters, Eva and Abby.